Mandy Goodhandy #1: 5 Card Studs, 53 min
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Mandy Goodhandy Volume 1 is the first of an ongoing series. The tapes are shot real-time, with no rehearsal. Mandy gives the young men she will be spanking about five minutes of loose direction before-hand - she does not tell them exactly what will be happening, only the general plot, the fact that she WILL be spanking them, and the direction that their behaviors must be motivated at all times by a desire to keep their jobs...then we roll the camera.
5 Card Studs
Four men are hired to build a wall at Goodhandy Enterprises. One afternoon, they decide to take a break for a few hands of "5 Card Stud".
Enter Miss Mandy Goodhandy.
Having never met Miss Goodhandy, the men see her as a potential sex object. They whistle and compliment her legs. Lukiss invites her to play a hand of strip poker.
"You like to play cards? I have a card for you". Miss Goodhandy passes each of the men her business card. Realizing that they have just insulted the president of the company that pays them, the men scramble to pass blame, deny involvement, and attempt to worm their way out of disciplinary action. Mandy Goodhandy, who built her empire "one spank at a time", puts a stop to the men's insubordination: "This is the way it's going to work," she says. "You want to keep your job? I give you a good hard spanking."
The men, after some contemplation, decide that it would be better to receive a spanking than lose their bread and butter. They line up in front of Miss Goodhandy to await their punishment.
Mandy selects Nick as the first to receive punishment ("I'm going to start with the quietest one and work my way up into a crescendo".)
She teaches him "the Position" - "Lean forward, ass up," and spanks Nick through his jeans.
After spanking each of the other men, Mandy puts them back into a line-up and says "That was just samples. Now I know your levels, and I know how much each of you need."
Let the humiliation continue. "Drop the pants to the ankle, NOW!!!" Round 2.
Mandy chooses Lukiss to go first ("I went last last time," he complains. "Well you're going first this time, because you don't shut up!") After ordering him into "the position", Mandy spanks Lukiss through his Calvin Klein fitted boxers. She then pulls his pants down and makes the other men look at his now reddening ass.
Volcano is wearing real guy underwear - worn thin white briefs with slightly sagging elastics. He appears to get a bit excited while being spanked, and the cameraman does not fail to zoom in to that region of his body. Volcano thanks Miss Goodhandy, saying "That wasn't punishment at all." Mandy snaps. "We'll see about that, go back to the line"
Steve is already bare-assed - not expecting to be stripped down in front of his co-workers, Steve came to work today in a jockstrap. Miss Goodhandy doesn't fail to miss an opportunity to humiliate Steve, and gives him a few good swats with the jockstrap's thick elastic waistband.
Lukiss and Volcano continue to be disorderly, so Mandy gives Lukiss (now bare-assed) a good old fashioned over-the-knee spanking, making sure that his legs stay spread and his ass is as high up as it can go (allowing us to see his cock and balls hanging). Mandy doesn't miss details. Volcano is made to watch the entire spanking, so he knows what his own ass will soon look like. Mandy dishes out a particularly severe spanking to Volcano, while over-the-knee, coming close to a crescendo, but not quite. Volcano might wish otherwise, but he is still not free to go.
Steve receives an over-the-knee spanking while Volcano and Lukiss watch on.Nick doesn't escape this round either.
After lining the men up and inspecting the color of their asses, Mandy asks them what they have learned.
Their answers aren't totally satisfactory, so Lukiss and Volcano are ordered back into "the position" (which looks very nice when a man is bare-assed).
Steve and Nick are further spanked and interrogated, and then are released for the day. To further add to the humiliation, Mandy makes the men leave the warehouse wearing no pants, "Let people in the street see you walking around without your pants."
Alone again with Lukiss and Volcano, Mandy gives them a two-handed spanking against the table.
The men continue to blame each other, and after further interrogation it comes out that the two employees don't trust each other. As the president of Goodhandy Enterprises, Mandy needs her employees to trust each other, so she decides that the men must spank each other. "You will learn a little trust and self-respect and respect for others," she says, urging Lukiss to spank Volcano harder.
Lukiss is released, finally learning his lesson to Miss Goodhandy's satisfaction, and is sent outside with no pants.
Alone with Volcano, Mandy positions him across the chair, and gives him one last spanking - a firm-handed one. He is informed that he can indeed keep his job.