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Couples Sex Stories (French), 70 min

Couples Sex Stories (French) front cover
Couples Sex Stories (French) back cover
A prescient film which, in 1976, deals three themes so new and with a promising future in the world of hard hexagonal: Agency marriage at the edge of the computerized progress has become a foolproof "factory couples", swinging, and already running sodomy in the Nordic "loops" of the time (cf. Lasse Braun) but still little common with us. A film rare for savvy X moviegoers who not only wants to be the champion of the "narrow gate" but still brings his touchstone for the democratization of a new sexual imagery. Un film prmonitoire qui, en 1976, traite trois thmes alors nouveaux et promis un bel avenir dans lunivers du hard hexagonal : lagence matrimoniale la pointe du progrs informatis devenue une infaillible usine couples , lchangisme, et la sodomie dj courante dans les loops nordiques de lpoque ( cf. Lasse Braun ) mais encore peu usite chez nous. Un film rare pour cinphiles X avertis qui non seulement se veut tre le chantre de la porte troite mais encore apporte sa pierre de touche la dmocratisation dune imagerie sexuelle nouvelle.