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French Sex Delights (French Language), 69 min

French Sex Delights (French Language) front cover
French Sex Delights (French Language) back cover
They were no longer patient and nurse standing face to face, but two beings that desired each other to death. Every evening, Catherine, played by a phenomenal and stunning Dawn Cumming, breaks away from her monotonous everyday routine to delve into a world of limitless sexual delight, which she fabricates from start to finish and where she stars as the very perverted heroine. A truly exciting small wonder from the golden age of France's Cinema X era, this film received great acclaim by a crowd of enthusiastic spectators when it debuted under the title Delires Porno on January 12, 1977 in Alpha -France cinemas! Ce n'etait plus le malade et l'infirmiere qui se faisaient face, mais deux etres qui se desiraient a en crever. Chaque soir Catherine, interpretee par la prodigieuse et ravissante DAWN CUMMINS, s'evade du quotidien monotone de sa vie pour se plonger dans un unives de delires sexuels sans limite qu'elle cree de toutes pieces et don't elle est la tres perverse heroine. Une petite merveille tres excitante de l'age d'or du Cinema X Francois portee en triomphe par une foule de spectateurs enthousiastes des sa sortie a Paris le 12 Janvier 1977 dans les salles ALPHA-FRANCE