Hot Seat, 49 min

Mr. Hardwick (Keith Jones), who is about to patent a revolutionary alternative energy invention, interviews Miss Patti Palmer (Niki Flynn) to be his secretary. Her qualifications are good but the leggy brunette cinches the deal by wearing a micro minute dress that sensationally reveals her shapely form to her new employer's appreciative gaze.
Mr. Hardwick advises Miss Palmer that his business is highly competitive, sternly cautioning her against discussing anything to do with his business with anyone she may meet in the village.
Mr. Hardwick assures Patti that if she does a good job and makes his life easier, that she will receive raises and bonuses in due course. But he also warns her that if she proves a slacker or gives any of his customers unsatisfactory service that she will be spanked!
As she really wants the job, Patti Palmer promises to be a good employee without arguing about the spanking condition.
Patti Palmer fails to take Mr. Hardwick's injunctions about efficiency seriously as she seizes the first opportunity to idle in the hot tub rather than attend to her duties. Greatly incensed by her lack of respect, Mr. Hardwick pulls her dripping wet and fully nude from the spa, turns her under his arm and spanks her hard. Then he marches her inside his house and continues to spank the slim and luscious naked brunette over his knee.
Mr. Hardwick is even more upset when he confronts Patti Palmer about lunching and drinking in the village taproom with one of his competitor's sons. Doesn't she realize how much inebriants can loosen one's tongue? And after she had promised to be discreet! Inevitably, Patti Palmer must be spanked and spanked hard over her boss' lap.
Now suspicious that his new employee may be just the type of industrial spy he feared, Mr. Hardwick keeps a constant watch on Patti and soon catches her trying to smuggle the blue prints for his invention out of his house. Suspecting she may have also downloaded additional vital information from his computer, Mr. Hardwick insists that Patti submit to an immediate strip search. When a memory stick is found protruding from under Patti's bra, Mr. Hardwick decides that a serious and extensive interrogation is in order. Patti is bent over a stool for a spanking in her sexy black lingerie, heels and sheer hose. Next she is taken over Mr. Hardwick's knee again. Gradually Patti begins to talk about her role as a corporate spy, not for Mr. Hardwick's competitor in the village but for a foreign power!
More persuasion is needed to make Patti Palmer reveal exactly whom she has been working for and how much she is getting paid. It takes a good old-fashioned strapping to elicit this confession and that licking is administered severely with Mr. Hardwick's own leather belt. At last, Patti is made to tell all and agree to cooperate with Mr. Hardwick in every way to foil the dastardly invention thieves.
Hot Seat is a serious and strict corporal punishment video featuring one of the world's leading spanking actresses filming with Shadow Lane for the first time. Lovely Niki Flynn's is completely engaged in the action and her reactions are splendid throughout. (Also, her body is a WOW!) Keith is more of a martinet in the scenario than ever before and the spankings are uniformly severe. Hot Seat is a classic discipline scenario centered on the misdeeds and reformation of very bad girl, for those who like it hard.