Spyder Fayth Hung to Cum, faythonfire
After a long day of fighting crime, the protagonist returns to their lair, where they find a beverage and smoke left by their assistant. Unbeknownst to them, a villain who had previously escaped spiked the smoke. Moments later, they find themselves incapacitated and suspended by their wrists, unable to move. As they dangle, they become aware of their humiliating situation, still clad in spandex, with their feet hanging lifelessly. A crotch rope is added, increasing their discomfort and preventing any movement. They are then doused with cold water to regain consciousness and fully comprehend their predicament—captured as an act of revenge. The hooded villain reveals themselves, removing the protagonist’s mask to expose their true identity. Humiliated and soaked, the protagonist is further restrained with additional rope, ensuring they remain suspended for an extended period. A device is then attached in a compromising manner, intensifying their distress. The text concludes with uncertainty about the protagonist's fate, questioning if they will escape this dire situation or remain under the villain's control indefinitely.