Asian Sakura.. Straitjacket Nightmare, shinybound
A person decided to explore fetish modeling, motivated by the prospect of earning an additional$200 while still being able to work their bartending job afterward. Arriving on time for the shoot, they changed into a pink two-piece catsuit and began modeling for photographs. The producer then introduced a leather bolero-style straightjacket, which caused a mix of excitement and nervousness.
After being strapped into the straightjacket and gagged, they posed for more photos. The producer proceeded to strap their legs together on the bed, prompting attempts at sexy poses. As time passed, the individual realized it was time to conclude the shoot and prepare for the bartending job. However, the producer showed no intention of wrapping up the session or releasing them. Despite polite attempts to communicate the need to leave, these were ignored, leading to a sense of panic. Ultimately, the producer left, throwing money on the bed and leaving the individual unable to free themselves.