Taken & Thoroughly Taped: Part 4 of 5, sandrasilvers
A group of women, each in various states of restraint, has been gathered for a buyer. Among them is a builder with dirty blonde hair, a silver-haired socialite, a curly-haired woman in a sweater dress, and a curvy individual from a yoga class. They are all bound with duct tape, having been collected by a woman known as Miss Pierce.
One of the women, Caroline, is excited about the potential profits from selling this diverse assortment. She envisions the earnings and begins to call her contact in a syndicate to arrange for the pick-up of the restrained women. However, in her distraction, she fails to notice the arrival of a large man who is there to collect the bound individuals.
The narrative features a mini-series theme centered around girl-girl bondage and damsels in distress, showcasing characters such as Sandra Silvers, Caroline Pierce, Lauren Kiley, Ami Mercury, and Lisa Harlotte.