[SNIS-850] A National Idol In 31 Cosplays! Get Your Kicks Every Day With Yua In Cosplay Action 4 Hours/31 Outfits [480p]
The film has a runtime of over four hours and features 31 cosplay outfits. While the title may seem clickbait, not all the cosplays involve sexual themes; some are more playful, such as sucking on a popsicle or kissing. The outfits are not all prominently featured, with some appearing for only a minute or two. The film opens and closes with memorable action scenes, and the overall action is satisfactory. The cosplay outfits, including a doctor's outfit, a Chinese cheongsam, a kimono, and a character resembling Super Sonico, are noted for their beauty, although some wigs may appear unflattering.
Additionally, the film showcases various character themes, including cat, street fighter, schoolgirl, and more, highlighting a collaboration that mixes cosplay with different scenarios. The visuals are described as luxurious and appealing.