Maggie Green - ScoreLand - 2024.04.27 - Big, Bra-Stretching Tits (1080p)
Title: Maggie Green Discusses Bras
Date: April 27, 2024
Duration: 13 minutes 55 seconds
Quality: 1080p HD, MP4 Format
In a video, Maggie Green shares her experiences and insights regarding bras. She mentions that she typically wears a bra but occasionally opts for a tight tank top during summer when a bra is unnecessary. Green discusses her bra shopping habits, noting the importance of trying on different brands and styles as they vary significantly. She expresses a preference for brands like Fredericks of Hollywood and Felina, and occasionally wears Victoria's Secret demi-bras for a more revealing look. Green elaborates on the lifespan of bras, which depends on frequency of wear, and admits to having a large collection due to her enjoyment of buying them. She enjoys feeling attractive in lacy and satin bras. Additionally, she shares that during photo shoots, she opts for smaller bras to enhance her appearance. Lastly, she recounts a revealing experience with a fitting at Nordstrom's, which corrected her size perception from a 36 to a 34 band size, leading to a better fit and increased confidence in her bras.