SLROriginals - Innocent Athena - Athena Heart (Oculus 8K)
Athena Heart stood in the dimly lit living room, her mind still buzzing with all the new things she'd learned about the birds and the bees. She twirled a lock of her hair around her finger, a habit she'd developed when nervous. As the older man, her charge for the night, entered the room, she cast him a wide-eyed glance."D-did you hear the kids, they've gone to bed ages ago,"she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.
The man, taking note of her flustered state, smiled warmly."It's just you and me, Athena,"he said, his voice steady and calm."You seem a bit... out of sorts. Everything okay?"
Athena blushed, her face turning a shade of pink that matched her usual babysitting sweater."Oh,um, I...I've been thinking a lot about what my friends told me,"