The Falcon and the Winter Soldier S01 2160p UHD BluRay H265-PRiSTiNE
Marvel Studios' The Falcon and The Winter Soldier stars Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson aka The Falcon, and Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes aka The Winter Soldier. The pair, who came together in the final moments of "e;Avengers: Endgame,"e; team up on a global adventure that tests their abilities—and their patience.
Genre: Action, Science-Fiction
Stars: Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Daniel Brühl, Emily VanCamp, Wyatt Russell, Adepero Oduye
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Release date: 2024-05-19
Rating │ 7.1
Genres │ Action Adventure Drama Sci-Fi
Runtime │ 50 minutes
Plot │ Following the events of 'Avengers: Endgame,' Sam Wilson/Falcon
│ and Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier team up in a global adventure
│ that tests their abilities -- and their patience.
Video │ - Untouched / HEVC / 62.3MBs
Res │ - 3840 x 2160
HDR │ - SMPTE ST 2086, HDR10 compatible
Audio │ - Dolby TrueHD with Dolby Atmos / 3.8MBs
│ - English
Subs │ - English French Spanish
Size │ - 96x250MB
Notes │ - Enjoy.