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Scooby Goes Hollywood 1979 1080p BluRay H264-PRiSTiNE

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13.6 GB

When Scooby tries to make it big in Hollywood with little success, the rest of the gang try to convince him to return to his normal Saturday morning cartoon.

Year: 1979
Duration: 49 min
Release date: Sunday 23rd December 1979
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family, Musical


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Michael Bell, Edie Lehmann Boddicker, Paul DeKorte, Ginny McSwain, Pat Fraley, Don Messick, Joan Gerber, Michael Redman

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Release date: 2024-06-05

Rating │ 5.8
Genres │ Animation Comedy Family Musical
Runtime │ 49 minutes
Plot │ When Scooby tries to make it big in Hollywood with little
│ success, the rest of the gang try to convince him to return
│ to his normal Saturday morning cartoon.

Video │ - Untouched / AVC / 34.9MBs
Res │ - 1920 x 1080
HDR │ - None
Audio │ - DTS-HD Master Audio / 1.9MBs
│ - English

Subs │ - English

Size │ - 96x150MB

Notes │ - Enjoy.