Living Single S01E21 720p WEB H264-SKYFiRE
Six black 20-somethings -- four women and two men -- share their lives and loves in a Brooklyn brownstone. A trio of women share one of the apartments, receiving frequent visits from a fourth pal; meanwhile, two men who've been friends for years share an apartment one floor up.
Episode Summary: Khadijah's college friend Jackie comes to town for an audition. She stays at the girls' apartment, and convinces Khadijah to give her a job at Flavor. Max is extremely jealous, and warns that Jackie is an opportunist who will hit Khadijah up for a loan. In college, Jackie convinced Max and Khadijah to start a sandwich business, only to drop it after two weeks. Khadijah is furious at Max for interfering in her affairs. A few days later, Jackie asks Khadijah to loan her money for a tattoo business. Khadijah turns her down, and orders her to return the 200 dollars she had borrowed from Synclaire. She tells Jackie that she needs to get her priorities straight and stop changing directions every few weeks. Jackie decides to go mooch off her parents. Just as Max boasts that Jackie never comes through, talk show host Arsenio Hall shows up at the apartment for the interview Jackie had promised to arrange. Overton buys several fish for the apartment. Kyle grows attached to them, and decides to get his own fish, Kyle Barker. When the new fish eats all the others, a guilt-ridden Kyle buys Overton a puppy, even though Kyle is allergic to dogs.Tag:Outtakes and photos with Arsenio.
Episode Title: Friends Like These
Episode Air date: Sunday 27th February 1994
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Mel Jackson, Erika Alexander, Kim Coles, Queen Latifah, Kim Fields, John Henton, T.C. Carson
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Pre.Date: 07.07.2024
Source: WEB
Runtime: 22 min 25 sec(s)
Size: 428 MiB
Video: 960 X 720 / 2603kb/s / 23.976 fps
Audio: English / AAC / 2 channels / 64.0 kb/s
Subs: English
Six black 20-somethings -- four women and two men -- share their lives and loves in a
Brooklyn brownstone. A trio of women share one of the apartments, receiving frequent
visits from a fourth pal; meanwhile, two men who've been friends for years share an
apartment one floor up.