Living Single S04E02 1080p WEB H264-SKYFiRE
Six black 20-somethings -- four women and two men -- share their lives and loves in a Brooklyn brownstone. A trio of women share one of the apartments, receiving frequent visits from a fourth pal; meanwhile, two men who've been friends for years share an apartment one floor up.
Episode Summary: Khadijah re-considers Flavor's endorsement of Max when she insists on spouting clichés, rather than discussing the issues. She instead backs a little-known high school teacher named William Perez. Max claims that Khadijah is jealous and does not want her friends to outshine her. Max runs into Perez at a public park (where he is cleaning up graffiti with his civics class), and realizes that her reasons for seeking office are entirely selfish. She withdraws from the election, and tells everyone to vote for Perez. The voters are so moved by her honesty that she receives enough write-in votes to win. Max apologizes to Khadijah, who is impressed by her integrity. Their parents disown Overton and Synclaire when Kyle and Regine accidentally share news of the engagement before the couple had gotten around to it. (They had been trying to follow a James family tradition, in which no one can get married until Synclaire's great aunt Ada gives her "e;okel doke."e;) They patch things up, but their parents begin bickering about churches over the phone. Kyle suffers through a series of terrible driver's license photos. He discovers that the clerk has a crush on him and intentionally took bad photos so that she could see him again.Tag:A disastrous conference call.
Episode Title: Ride the Maverick
Episode Air date: Thursday 29th August 1996
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Mel Jackson, Erika Alexander, Kim Coles, Queen Latifah, Kim Fields, John Henton, T.C. Carson
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Pre.Date: 12.07.2024
Source: WEB
Runtime: 22 min 16 sec(s)
Size: 644 MiB
Video: 1440 X 1080 / 3978kb/s / 23.976 fps
Audio: English / AAC / 2 channels / 64.0 kb/s
Subs: English
Six black 20-somethings -- four women and two men -- share their lives and loves in a
Brooklyn brownstone. A trio of women share one of the apartments, receiving frequent
visits from a fourth pal; meanwhile, two men who've been friends for years share an
apartment one floor up