IF 2024 NORDiC ENG 1080p WEB-DL H 264 DDP5 1-PiTBULL
A young girl who goes through a difficult experience begins to see everyone's imaginary friends who have been left behind as their real-life friends have grown up.
Year: 2024
Duration: 104 min
Release date: Wednesday 8th May 2024
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy
(4054 Votes)
Your Rating
Cailey Fleming, Ryan Reynolds, John Krasinski, Fiona Shaw, Steve Carell, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Louis Gossett Jr., Alan Kim
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NAME.........: If
iMDB.........: https://imdb.com/title/tt11152168/
RATiNG.......: 6.7/10 from 14,138 users
GENRE........: Animation, Comedy, Drama
FORMAT.......: Matroska
LANGUAGE.....: English, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish
SUBTiTLES....: Retail -> Danish, English, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish
ViDEO iNFO...: AVC -> 7617 kb/s - 1920x1040 - 23.976 (24000/1001) FPS
AUDiO iNFO...: E-AC-3 with Atmos -> 6 channels - 768 kb/s - 48.0 kHz (ENG)
AUDiO iNFO...: E-AC-3 -> 6 channels - 256 kb/s - 48.0 kHz (NORDiC)
RELEASE DATE.: 17 May 2024
SOURCE.......: WEB
A young girl who goes through a difficult experience begins to see
everyone's imaginary friends who have been left behind as their real-life
friends have grown up.
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Another powerfull upload from PiTBULL :-)
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