Sunny S01E04 1080p WEB H264-SuccessfulCrab
Suzie, an American woman living in Kyoto, Japan, whose life is upended when her husband and son disappear in a mysterious plane crash. As "e;consolation"e; she's given Sunny, one of a new class of domestic robots made by her husband's electronics company. Though at first Suzie resents Sunny's attempts to fill the void in her life, gradually they develop an unexpected friendship, as together they uncover the dark truth of what really happened to Suzie's family, becoming dangerously enmeshed in a world Suzie never knew existed.
Episode Summary: The Yakuza make themselves known. Suzie searches for the truth about Masa's lineage.
Episode Title: Sticky
Episode Air date: Wednesday 24th July 2024
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Science-Fiction
Stars: Rashida Jones, Hidetoshi Nishijima, Joanna Sotomura, Judy Ongg
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Show: Sunny
Title: Sticky
Season: 1
Episode: 4
Size: 2607M
Files: 11F
Date: 2024-07-24
Duration: 32 min 41 s
Source: Web
Encoding: H264
Bitrate: 10.8 Mb/s
Audio Format: E-AC-3 (Dolby Digital Plus with Dolby Atmos)
Audio Rate: 768 kb/s @ 6 channels
Audio Lang: English
Sub count: 43
Subtitles: English / English / English / Arabic / Bulgarian / Chinese / Chinese / Chinese / Czech / Danish / Dutch / Estonian / Spanish / Finnish / French / French / German / Greek / Hebrew / Hindi / Hungarian / Indonesian / Italian / Japanese / Korean / Spanish / Latvian / Lithuanian / Malay / Norwegian / Polish / Portuguese / Portuguese / Russian / Slovak / Slovenian / Swedish / Tamil / Telugu / Thai / Turkish / Ukrainian / Vietnamese