Holly Learns the Ropes 1982-No01
The document provides information about a collection of scanned magazines featuring images of women in various forms of bondage.
Content Overview:
The collection contains both articles and photographs, with an emphasis on the visual content.
The scans are performed using a large format scanner, aiming for a balance between quality and file size.
In later issues, predominantly from the 1980s and onward, pages consisting entirely of advertisements are often omitted to save space, as they can make up a significant portion of the magazine's content.
Each magazine scan takes approximately one hour to complete, which includes scanning, correcting, cropping, and converting the files. Due to time constraints, extensive touch-up work is not feasible.
Watermarks have been added to the scans as a deterrent against unauthorized sales on various websites.
All models featured in the magazines are reportedly at least 18 years old at the time of publication.
Overall, the document outlines the scanning process, content details, and usage rights concerning the images included in the collection.