Adam 1958-Vol02-No08
Skullhead Scan Overview****Details & Description: The content is not classified as pornography by contemporary standards but was considered risqué during its time. Many models featured in these primarily non-nude "cheesecake" magazines may appear nude in other publications. The scans are being shared to assist collectors of vintage magazines.
Sample Images: Images can be enlarged for better viewing.
General Information: Many popular magazines include numerous articles alongside a limited number of photographs. This is important for those primarily interested in the images. The magazines have been scanned using a large format scanner, balancing quality and file size.
In later issues, especially from the 1980s onward, pages with 100% advertisements are often omitted, as they can constitute a significant portion of the magazine's content. While the scans are not flawless, they can be edited as desired.
Each magazine scan takes approximately one hour to complete, including corrections and cropping, limiting extensive touch-up work. Watermarks have been added to discourage the resale of these scans, which have appeared on various websites. All models featured are stated to be at least 18 years old at the time of publication.