Vettskremt S02E04 NORWEGiAN 720p WEB h264-NORSTREAM
Over the course of six episodes, the presenters Erik Solbakken and Annika Momrak will do their best to scare the participants, while at the same time checking who gets the highest pulse rate. The contestants who are the worst at keeping their composure must leave the house one after the other, until only the most sane celebrity is left as the winner of Vettskremt.
Episode Summary: Kim's play is fun, especially in a dark and creepy house where no corner is safe.
Episode Title: Kims rom
Episode Air date: Thursday 17th October 2024
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Erik Solbakken, Annika Momrak
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We pipe video through internet cables! Today we are piping:
@ TODAY............: 17-10-2024
@ Lenght...........: 15 min 19 s
@ Video............: H264 1280 x 720 @ 2 165 kb/s
@ Audio............: Norwegian 2 channels AAC @ 163 kb/s
@ Subs.............: Norwegian
S02E04: Kims rom
Kims lek er gøy, særlig i et mørkt og dritskummelt hus der ingen krok er trygg.