Northgard The Viking Age Edition(MULTI Updates+DLC)-GOG
Northgard The Viking Age Edition(MULTIUpdates+DLC)-GOG
Source: GOG Rip
Protection: -
Genre: Real time strategy, vikings historical
Works on: Windows (10, 11)
Release date: May 30, 2024
Company: Shiro Games / Shiro Games
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The Sons of Ragnarök, as they have come to be known, are indeed as destructive as the event their past leader, Hvedrung, worked so hard to unleash. Freed from the gods' restrictions, they might indeed be the nightmare Northgard feared…
Brawlers arena
Despite having fewer workers and warriors compared to other clans, The Clan of the Hounds emphasizes the significance of each member. Warriors are not easily converted and demand two units to be assigned to the Arena for the recruitment of one Brawler, highlighting the value placed on each individual within the clan.