Super 8 2011 EXTRAS 1080p BluRay H264-RMXTRAS
Year: 2011
Release date: Friday 10th June 2011
Genre: Sci-Fi
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Elle Fanning, Amanda Michalka, Kyle Chandler, Ron Eldard
³ ³
³ Release : Super.8.2011.EXTRAS.1080p.BluRay.H264-RMXTRAS ³
³ Source : BluRay ³
³ Size : 12.7 GB ³
³ Reldate : 22.11.2024 ³
³ Video : H264 15.4 Mb/s ³
³ Audio : AC3 640kb/s 5.1 ³
³ Resolution : 1920x1080 ³
³ Playtime : 01:50:03 ³
³ Language : English ³
³ Imdb : ³
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³ Notes: All our releases are remuxes from retail discs. ³
³ ³
³ Subtitles: English, German, Danish, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, ³
³ Norwegian, Finnish, Swedish ³
³ ³
³ Featurettes (HD, Total 1 Hr 37 mins) - This collection of featurettes can ³
³ be played by hitting the Play All button and watching over 90 minutes ³
³ worth of Making of doco, but they break down into the following ³
³ individual titles: ³
³ ³
³ The Dream Behind Super 8 - JJ Abrams and Larry Fong tell us of their love ³
³ for making their own Super 8 home movies and we see some clips from their ³
³ early productions. ³
³ ³
³ The Search for New Faces - This featurette deals with the casting process ³
³ and we hear of the hard work and hundreds of auditions that went into ³
³ finding the two new young stars of the movie. ³
³ ³
³ Meet Joel Courtney - Young Mr Courtney confides in us about his dreams of ³
³ movie stardom as we follow him around the sets, the workshops and catering ³
³ trucks. Hes very natural and not the typical precocious Hollywood kid. ³
³ ³
³ The Visitor Lives - This short focuses on the visual effects work and we ³
³ hear of the different concepts that existed in the heads of both Spielberg ³
³ and Abrams early on. The guys from ILM chip in with the practical aspects ³
³ too. ³
³ ³
³ Scoring Super 8 - Yup, its Michael Giachinno exhibiting his work flow ³
³ with Abrams & Spielberg chiming in with their thoughts on the music. ³
³ ³
³ Do You Believe in Magic - We hear of Larry Fongs love of Magic tricks ³
³ (handy in case this cameraman lark doesnt pan out) and we even see him ³
³ fooling visitor Tom Cruise with a card trick on set. ³
³ ³
³ The 8mm Revolution - This is a nostalgic look at the home movie format of ³
³ yesteryear and it compares the tiny bootlace to 16mm and 35mm to help ³
³ explain it to those of the digital video age. ³
³ ³
³ Deleted scenes (HD, 13 mins) - Here, for our delectation, we have 14 ³
³ deleted scenes. Most are merely extensions of scenes used in the final ³
³ film and you can see why they were cut as they generally contribute ³
³ nothing to the story, other than to extend the running time. ³
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Art is a lie that tells the truth