1988 - A Thousand And One Erotic Nights Part II - The Forbidden Tales (Blu-Ray Remux)
The film "A Thousand And One Erotic Nights Part II - The Forbidden Tales," directed by Edwin Brown, features Sultan Francois Papillon, who is feeling bored and lonely. To alleviate his ennui, his advisor organizes a contest to discover the most alluring women in the Kingdom and to select a new consort for the Sultan. Among the contestants is a woman named Scheherezade, who may possess a unique talent that sets her apart from the others. The film has a runtime of 81 minutes and was originally released in 1986. It has been newly scanned and restored in 2K from its 35mm original negatives, with English SDH subtitles available. Technical specifications include:
Video Format: AVC (Advanced Video Codec), 1920x1080 resolution, 16:9 aspect ratio, with a variable bitrate of 34.0 Mb/s.
Audio options include DTS-HD Master Audio and Dolby Digital, providing both lossless and lossy options in mono and stereo formats. The film's content is structured into chapters, with specific timestamps marking the beginning of each chapter throughout the runtime.