Mindwash - Reinstall 3
The text describes a training video from the Mindwash Core Series, featuring music, captions, flashing messages, and hypnosis. It clarifies that this version does not include binaural audio and is not the higher quality version previously available on Patreon, which became inactive in 2022. The sessions are intended to be completed in a specific order (Reinstall 1-3, Advanced 4-7) to facilitate training. The program's concept is based on the idea that brainwashing is most effective when the mind is in an altered state, influenced by sensory overload, deprivation, shock, fatigue, or other factors. This video combines intense sounds and visuals with sensory deprivation techniques (such as virtual reality and headphones), physical stimulation (edging), and hypnosis. The aim is to achieve a heightened state of susceptibility, with classical conditioning reinforcing long-term effects through disciplined edging and targeted orgasm control.