Muzilo - You Need To Pay For Porn So Porn Can Continue To Exist
Muzilo - You Need To Pay For Porn So Porn Can Continue To Exist
You will never be happy with just free internet porn because you love porn so much. You're addicted to porn. Porn is all you look forward to. You love porn. Porn is your girlfriend. You're so hopelessly addicted to porn. Look at your eyes, you can't take them off of the porn on the screen. And your hands just start stroking automatically when you see porn. You need porn and therefore you need to pay for it. You need it so badly, you're so addicted to porn. You know you have to pay for porn to exist. You'll get tired of the old porn. You need newer porn, better porn, vr porn, hd porn. Porn will only continue to get better and better as long as you support it.
You don't want to be like one of those cheap losers who watches free porn, they're stupid. They're not supporting their habit. You need to support your habit. You need to pay to get better and newer porn. I know you love porn and so you need to spoil her. Stroke your cock and tell me that you will pay for porn because porn deserves it. All of the hot brats on the internet deserve your money. You know we do. Porn deserves your money because porn brings you so much pleasure. You'll pay for better and better porn because you need it.
Stroke your cock to porn over and over and over again. Let's face it, you need porn, you are addicted to porn, you will pay for porn. Spoil porn because she is the love of your life. Stroke your cock to porn. Promise me you'll only stroke your cock to porn. You don't want anything else out of life, this is who you are, this is where you belong. Stroke, stroke, stroke. It feels so good stroking to porn, paying to porn. It feels good to pay for porn. Porn is everything.
You prefer stroking to porn over sex. You don't want pussy. Porn is the only girlfriend you will ever have. You live for porn, you live to pay for porn, you live to support all those hot girls on the internet. All of those sexy brats deserve all of your money. You will stroke to porn for the rest of your life, you will pay for porn for the rest of your life. You need to pay porn in order for porn to continue to exist. It feels so good when you pay porn. Stroke, stroke, stroke. Stroke to porn, addict. Don't stop jerking that junkie cock. You're hopelessly addicted to porn.
I want you to be addicted to porn. You want to be addicted to porn. Don't ever stop stroking to porn. Realize that this is who you are. Porn owns your cock. It feels so good stroking to porn. I want you to confess to porn. You're going to admit that you are an addict for porn. I want you to promise porn that you will stroke your cock only to her. Promise that you will give up pussy for porn. Porn feels better on your cock than pussy does. You are a hopeless porn junkie. You can't take your eyes off of porn as you get more and more addicted to porn.
I want you to promise porn that whenever you see new porn that makes your cock twitch, you're going to pay for it. You know you need to support porn. You need newer and better porn. Pay for porn because you love porn. You love to support porn. You love to stroke to porn. Porn needs your money in order to survive. So you need to pay for porn. Good boy.