Hellboy The Crooked Man 2024 NORDiC 2160p WEB-DL H 265 DD5 1-PiTBULL
Hellboy and a rookie B.P.R.D. agent in the 1950s are sent to the Appalachians, where they discover a remote community dominated by witches and led by the sinister local demon, the Crooked Man.
Year: 2024
Duration: 99 min
Release date: Thursday 19th September 2024
Genre: Action, Horror
(619 Votes)
Your Rating
Jack Kesy, Jefferson White, Leah McNamara, Adeline Rudolph, Joseph Marcell, Hannah Margetson, Martin Bassindale, Carola Colombo
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NAME.........: Hellboy: The Crooked Man
iMDB.........: https://imdb.com/title/tt26757462/
RATiNG.......: 4.5/10 from 9,419 users
GENRE........: Action, Horror
FORMAT.......: Matroska
LANGUAGE.....: English
SUBTiTLES....: Retail -> Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish
ViDEO iNFO...: HEVC -> 11.7Mb/s - 3840x1606 - 23.976 FPS
AUDiO iNFO...: AC-3 -> 6 channels - 384 kb/s - 48.0 kHz
RELEASE DATE.: 08 Oct 2024
SOURCE.......: WEB-DL -> PiTBULL <-
Hellboy and a rookie B.P.R.D. agent in the 1950s are sent to the
Appalachians, where they discover a remote community dominated by witches
and led by the sinister local demon, the Crooked Man.
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