Gala MV - Mother's Day
Gala MV - Mother's Day
Today is mother&s day, I want to try something new with you son. I was born to be your mother, I was born to please your cock and submit to you. I wanna surrender and feel powerless, I want you to be the man of the house. Watch how I can get your lim p cock really hard with these slutty red lips, getting you ready for you to use mommy&s pussy like a fleshlight. It&s all my hole is good for, getting your big cock and i n ce st cum. I&ll be your sexdoll, your sextoy tonight, and make sure you cum inside me… make me a mommy on mother&s day! Watch me moan like the whores you watch in porn, look how you stretch out this cunt like you stretched it out when you came out of it.
Last time I saw this much liquid cumming out of me, was when I broke water : )