Missing You 2025 S01E01 1080p WEB H264-SuccessfulCrab
Eleven years ago Detective Kat Donovan's fiancé Josh – the love of her life – disappeared and she's never heard from him since. Now, swiping profiles on a dating app, she suddenly sees his face and her world explodes all over again. Josh's reappearance will force her to dive back into the mystery surrounding her father's murder and uncover long-buried secrets from her past.
Episode Title: Episode 1
Episode Air date: Wednesday 1st January 2025
Genre: Drama, Thriller, Mystery
Stars: Rosalind Eleazar
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▒▒ ▒▒
Show: Missing You
Title: Every Breath You Take
Season: 1
Episode: 1
Size: 1888M
Files: 10F
Date: 2025-01-01
Source: Web
Encoding: H264
Bitrate: 4 727 kb/s
Audio Format: E-AC-3 (Dolby Digital Plus with Dolby Atmos)
Audio Rate: 768 kb/s @ 6 channels
Audio Lang: English
Sub count: 41
Subtitles: English / Arabic / Basque / Catalan / Chinese / Chinese / Croatian / Czech / Danish / Dutch / Spanish / Spanish / fil / Finnish / French / French / Galician / German / German / Greek / Hebrew / Hungarian / Indonesian / Italian / Japanese / Korean / Malay / Norwegian Bokmal / Polish / Portuguese / Portuguese / Portuguese / Romanian / Russian / Spanish / Spanish / Swedish / Thai / Turkish / Ukrainian / Vietnamese