Paranormal part 3 the haunted house - Alina Lopez , Kristen Scott
Paranormal investigator Kristen Scott is returning home after a recent encounter and finds her frightened roommate, Alina, outside their house. Alina recounts seeing a ghost while studying and expresses a desire to leave the house permanently. Kristen reassures her, claiming her expertise makes her well-suited to handle the situation. Equipped with a flashlight, the two begin to explore the house as Alina indicates where she saw the apparition. Kristen uses her electromagnetic field (EMF) reader during their search. They are startled by flickering lights, and Kristen theorizes that the ghost is drawing energy from the electricity in the house. The temperature drops, and Kristen's EMF detector signals that something is nearby. A glowing red light emerges from behind a door, and the thermal camera reveals an invisible figure. When the ghost manifests and approaches them, the girls flee. Kristen quickly creates a protective salt circle around them. The ghost attempts to breach the circle but fails. In a decisive moment, Kristen recites a Bible verse, causing the ghost to vanish, and both girls fall asleep within the circle. Meanwhile, witches Emily and Riley are casting spells on the girls. Emily begins to doubt the morality of using Wicca to raise demons, but Riley dismisses her concerns. Riley casts a spell that silences Emily and continues her summoning. A gust of wind disrupts the salt circle protecting Kristen and Alina, leading to Alina's possession. The situation escalates, leaving Kristen to confront the emerging threat.