Dr STONE Science Future E05 MULTi 1080p WEB x264-AMB3R
The first cour of the fourth season of Dr.STONE.
Senkuu and the Kingdom of Science revive Tsukasa and build a spaceship to reach 'Why Man' on the Moon!
Release date: Thursday 9th January 2025
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Duration: 24 min
db `7MMM. ,MMF'`7MM"e;"e;"e;Yp, pd"e;"e;b. `7MM"e;"e;"e;Mq.
;MM: MMMb dPMM MM Yb (O) `8b MM `MM.
,V^MM. M YM ,M MM MM dP ,89 MM ,M9
,M `MM M Mb M' MM MM"e;"e;"e;bg. "e;"e;Yb. MMmmdM9
AbmmmqMA M YM.P' MM MM `Y 88 MM YM.
A' VML M `YM' MM MM ,9 (O) .M' MM `Mb.
.AMA. .AMMA..JML. `' .JMML..JMMmmmd9 bmmmd' .JMML. .JMM.
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