Miss Noel Knight - More Pleasure From A Strap-On [1080p]
Miss Noel Knight - More Pleasure From A Strap-On [1080p]
Official description:
Sweetheart, I want to talk to you about something important. I've never told you because I didn't want to embarrass you. It's your cock, honey; it's too small to please me. As a matter of fact, you've never given me an orgasm during sex. I've always faked it in order to salvage your ego. Well, it's high time that I get all the pleasure I deserve. Don't look for sad, baby! I'm not breaking up with you. I just think we need a little help. So I bought something special that will help you make me cum. Its strap-on made especially for tiny boys like you! You just tuck your little cock away and attach a nice, big dildo to the harness. Then you can fuck me all night long with a massive toy that will never, ever cum too soon...
Miss Noel Knight tells the viewer, her partner, that his cock is too small. She wants him to wear a strap-on when they have sex. No sex or nudity.
Thumbnails: Show
Date: May 7, 2016
Runtime: 11 minutes
Format: FLV
Resolution: 1920x1080
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