[PantyAmateur.com] Sophia Smith - 2013.10.09.wmv [1080p]
H o t P a n t y F u n | S a t i n S i l k F u n | P a n t y M a n i a c s | S k i r t s U p G i r l s | U K U p s k i r t s
I will be uploading my entire PantyAmateur collection here. This will include videos from their sister sites in the Glamose network: HotPantyFun, PantyManiacs, SilkSatinFun, SkirtsUpGirls, and UKUpskirts. The video watermarks may not match all filenames, and there are some older watermarks for sites in their network that don't even exist anymore. The video files are named according to the site where they are currently available. Some of the videos from their archives may not be dated correctly, as the dates changed when they archived them for some reason. These videos are only visible to members. Each video is the highest quality available, except in some rare cases where I grabbed smaller files to get the most out of their daily download limit. Their naming scheme changes often and is different between their sites, so of course, you're getting them renamed for my personal collection. The content of each of these sites is similar. Aside from SatinSilkFun, they're almost always panty-focused. There is usually a lot of teasing, some dirty talk, and topless nudity. Only the HotPantyFun videos contain any vaginal nudity or actual masturbation. See below for a more specific description of the video in this upload.
[PantyAmateur.com] Sophia Smith - 2013.10.09.wmv
D e s c r i p t i o n
After stripping down in the kitchen, Sophia models a pair of everyday cotton, print panties front and back, topless.
T h u m b S h e e t
Click to enlarge
I hope you enjoy my uploads. If you do, comments and credits are a great way to let me know.
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