All American S07E05 1080p WEB H264-SuccessfulCrab
When a rising high school football player from South Central L.A. is recruited to play for Beverly Hills High, the wins, losses and struggles of two families from vastly different worlds — Compton and Beverly Hills — begin to collide. Inspired by the life of pro football player Spencer Paysinger.
Episode Title: I Got a Story to Tell
Episode Air date: Monday 3rd March 2025
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Show: All American
Title: I Got a Story to Tell
Season: 7
Episode: 5
Size: 1193M
Files: 9F
Date: 2025-03-04
Duration: 42 min 28 s
Source: Web
Encoding: H264
Bitrate: 3 382 kb/s
Audio Format: AAC (AAC)
Audio Rate: 445 kb/s @ 6 channels
Audio Lang: English
Sub count: 1
Subtitles: English
Both Beverly and Crenshaw are on a hot streak in their
respective games. Amina struggles with her decision to run for
Stu-Co president when she discovers her campaign speech falls on a
very difficult day. When Tori makes a pass at KJ, he finds his
heart pulled in two directions. Khalil reckons with the
conflict between his new life and his fathers influence. Coop
attends a law panel, and the professors intentions might not be
entirely professional. Cassius offers KJ fatherly advice.
Finally, Amina catches KJ off guard with an interesting