Dexter Original Sin S01E09 NORDiC 1080p WEB-DL DDP5 1 H 264-DKV torrent
Set in 1991 Miami, Dexter: Original Sin follows Dexter as he transitions from student to avenging serial killer. When his bloodthirsty urges can't be ignored any longer, Dexter must learn to channel his inner darkness. With the guidance of his father, Harry, he adopts a Code designed to help him find and kill people who deserve to be eliminated from society without getting on law enforcements' radar. This is a particular challenge for young Dexter as he begins a forensics internship at the Miami Metro Police Department.
Episode Title: Blood Drive
Episode Air date: Friday 7th February 2025
Genre: Drama, Crime, Mystery
Stars: Patrick Gibson, Christian Slater, Molly Brown, Patrick Dempsey, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Michael C. Hall
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│ T O R R E N T L E E C H │
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│ Name : Dexter: Original Sin · Season 1 Ep. 9
│ IMDb :
│ Rating : 8.3 from 14,678 votes
│ Release Date : 13 Dec 2024
│ Genre : Crime, Drama, Mystery
│ Language : English
│ Subtitles : DAN, ENG, FIN, NOR, SWE · UTF-8
│ Video info : AVC · 1920 x 1080 · 23.976 FPS · 7830 kb/s
│ Audio info : E-AC-3 · Dolby Digital Plus 5.1 · 384 kb/s
│ Source : WEB-DL
│ Subs Source : Retail
│ uploader : DKV
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Miami, 1991. When his bloodthirsty urges can't be ignored any
longer, young Dexter Morgan must learn to channel his inner
darkness as he transitions from student to avenging serial
killer with the guidance of his father, Harry.
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