Miss Noel Knight - Chastity Key Tease [480p]
Miss Noel Knight - Chastity Key Tease [480p]
When was the last time I allowed you out of your tight little cock cage? It's been so long I can't even remember! You just be so needy by now, huh? I slip the gold chain off my neck and tease you with the keys to your chastity belt. I use my body and soft, feminine voice to work you into a state of intense arousal. Then I make you beg. I want to hear the desperation in your voice. I want to see tears in your eyes. I want you to be willing to suffer any amount of pain or humiliation in order to gain liberation from that awful, tight plastic tubing. If you don't convince me you want it badly enough, this little chain will go right back around my throat. You won't get another shot at release for another 30 full days...
Miss Noel Knight is standing, wearing a red nightgown and a key around her neck. She teases the viewer about wanting the key as she plays with it. She teases him about being in a chastity cage. She lowers her gown and reveals her boobs. She refuses to unlock him, stating that she wants him on the edge of insanity. She says she wants a bath and to go on a shopping trip.
Thumbnails: Show
Date: May 18, 2016
Runtime: 10 minutes
Format: MOV
Resolution: 854x480
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