Hollywood Pink (1985)
Hollywood Pink (1985)
Duration: The film has a runtime of 61 minutes, though it is listed as 71 minutes on IAFD.
Director: Jim Travis
Distributor: Essex Video / Electric Hollywood
Sound: The film is silent and is primarily aimed at collectors interested in Bunny Blue and other female performers.
Synopsis: Set in 1985 during the flourishing magazine industry, the film offers a comedic look at the lives of three publishers and their risqué escapades. It is an explicit tongue-in-cheek comedy designed to entertain while showcasing erotic scenarios.
Scene Breakdown:
Scene 1: Features Bunny Bleu and Debra Lynn in a brief lesbian encounter that includes oral sex. This scene is revisited later in the film as a threesome..
Scene 2: Cheri Janvier performs oral sex on Steve Doright in an office setting..
Scene 3: Andrea Brittian engages in oral sex with Greg Derek, which leads to Ray Wells joining for a threesome..
Scene 4: Bunny Bleu and Debra Lynn are observed by Peter North, who joins them after they engage in mutual oral stimulation..
Scene 5: A lesbian scene with Andrea Brittian and Robin Cannes, featuring kissing and caressing against a blue-sky backdrop..
Scene 6: Donna Blue performs oral sex on a male partner, followed by cowgirl position..
Scene 7: Continuation of the previous lesbian scene, now involving Greg Derek, ending with a cumshot..
Scene 8: Amanda Jane Adams engages in oral sex and cowgirl position with a male partner, concluding with a cumshot..
Scene 9: A threesome with Cheri Janvier, Tyler Reynolds, and Steve Powers, featuring oral sex and missionary position.
Note: The film is aimed at an adult audience and contains explicit content.