Salieri - Tribute to Monica Roccaforte XXX Classic (DVDRip)
A video collection features scenes from classic adult films directed by Mario Salieri, showcasing actress Monica Roccaforte. This compilation serves as a tribute to Roccaforte, highlighting notable scenes from four films:"Il Convento Di San Crispino 1," "Il Nonno 2," "Miss Troia 3," and "Lo Sceriffo 4."
Monica Roccaforte, born in 1978, is recognized in the adult film industry. Initially pursuing traditional acting in New York, she shifted to adult films, where she quickly gained prominence, starring in 40 movies within four years. While she now appears in smaller roles, she also engages in production. The collection includes various performances, with Roccaforte participating in standard adult film activities. The cast features several other actors, although not all names are mentioned. The purpose of the compilation is to celebrate Monica Roccaforte's contributions to the adult film genre.