{Passion-hd} Lucy Doll ~ Licking Her Clean HD720p
A video featuring Lucy Doll begins with her enjoying a banana sensually as part of her breakfast. Afterward, she removes her clothing, allowing her partner to squeeze strawberries onto her. This is followed by intimate moments where he cleans her with his mouth and engages in oral sex. The scene progresses to various sexual positions, culminating in a facial climax.
The video has a runtime of 32 minutes and 52 seconds, with a file size of 838 MB, a resolution of 1280 x 720, and uses MPEG AAC audio and H264-MPEG-4 AVC video codecs.
Additionally, there are mentions of other content uploads and offers for assistance with torrent seeding, alongside a note about a freeleech item related to "GF Revenge." Acknowledgments for credits are also included.