[HelloCatpaws.com] Close Up Clit Stimulation.mp4 [720p]
C A T P A W S Profile Summary
The individual, known as Cat, is a content creator who began camming in 2012, enjoying the community aspect of the platform. Over time, they transitioned to producing videos, taking pleasure in the entire process from idea generation to filming and editing. Personal interests include anime, video games, LPs (let's plays), and cosplay. They are currently majoring in Sociology.
Personal Details:
Birthday: May 12, 1992
Hometown: Online
Heritage: White / Mixed
Orientation: Bisexual/Pansexual
Measurements: Moderate build
Weight: 160 lb
Height: 5' 4"
Hair: Brunette (with variations)
Eyes: Brown
Content Description: The featured video titled "Close-Up Clit Stimulation" showcases intimate content focusing on close-up vaginal stimulation, with a duration of 19 minutes and 17 seconds. The video has been discounted due to audio issues from webcam recording.
Additional Notes:
All uploads are intended for private viewing only and should not be shared externally.
Viewer engagement through comments and credits is encouraged to express appreciation for the content.