Prostituting My Wife split.scenes
The film "Prostituting My Wife," produced by Brave Films, has a runtime of 2 hours and 7 minutes and features various performers. The narrative presents a controversial theme where some men, facing financial difficulties, suggest their wives engage in sex work. The wives appear to accept this proposition eagerly, indicating a willingness to participate in sexual activities. The film is structured into three scenes:
Scene 1 (56 minutes): Features Raquelita engaging in oral sex followed by intercourse, concluding with a notable climax.
Scene 2 (34 minutes): Zhelia Karima and Cali Necoquine are shown sharing two male partners, participating in acts that include double penetration and mutual oral exchange of bodily fluids..
Scene 3 (34 minutes): Cali Necoquine performs oral sex on her partner, followed by intercourse, ending with the partner climaxing on her chest. Overall, the film portrays explicit sexual encounters and explores themes of sexual freedom and financial necessity.