"Pretty Pregnant Amateurs" ~ part 2 // PregnantUSA // 27 HD scenes
Title: PregnantUSA
File: 27 scenes
Size: 24.9gb
Audio: pcm_16le 48kHz ~1536kbps
Video: h264 1280x720 29.97fps ~2200kbps
Duration: 15:13:23
Cast: Miss Julia, Moana Lott, Nicki S, Precious, Pretty Browneyes, Renee, Alicia D, Samantha Parker, Sara R, Sarah Niley, Sativa, Sexy Roxy, Shy, Silvana, Skye, Sophia, Tasty, VenusSky, Yoa
Site Description : ShowPregnant Amateurs in Great Detail
All of our Amateurs are having FUN! Show me a picture where they are NOT smiling! Whether they are brunettes, redheads, blondes or some other color right out of the bottle. They&re all fun for us when they pose in front of our cameras. Just look at the variety found in all of our PREGNANT gals.
Mankind has had a serious fascination with breasts & nipples as far back as history can take you. When PREGNANCY comes along weadd the changes that a body goes at this special & nique time in their lives.
Capturing Beauty Naturally
We capture the beauty & elegance of everyday PREGNANT girls in a way that makes them feel sexy, sensual, smart & alive. So many times they walk into our studios & simply feel fat... They leave bouncy & happy with photos of themselves that show them as the sexy creatures they always knew they were. We get so many positive comments from both men & women who are happy to view a site that is NOT a heavy PORN overload. It is instead a seemingly endless stream of sexy women willing to flaunt their goods for the world to see. Many of our Amateurs may be far from perfect. But they show a zest for life that is real!
Boob Size Changes
A woman may tart with A cups & go to a C or even D by the time she is nursing. We try to start session from the 6th month (24 weeks) or later. And whenever possible to do a session as close to their due dates aspossible. Sometimes we miss out... And we get a call from them saying “I had my babay last Tuesday!” That of course still leaves the door open for some lactation sessions if they are willing to do them.
Getting Them to Pose
It&s one thing to find Amateurs on the internet, BUT finding Pregnant Amateurs is another matter completely. Getting them to pose is quite a challenge. Sometimes we have to negotiate with husbands, fiances, boyfriends, or lovers. We often have them come along to make sure that our photo & video sessions are exactly what we told them they would be.
Finding More PG Girls to Pose
We run ads all the time to attract new talent. We only have about a three month window of opportunity to be able to photograph & video them, so all our ads say that the Pregnant Amateurs go to the head of the line...
And they always do! If you are looking for great photos & videos of pregnant women this is the place.
Not XXX! Maybe a “Heavy R”
We would hardly call our site a XXX site, since we only do Nude & Glamor styled photos & videos. In some of the more up close videos we might be pushing a heavy “R” rating... But the way we see it, just having the pleasure of looking at all these lovely pregnant gals doing a slow strip, or perhaps a nice tease is often more tantalizing than a more explicit view.
Real Amateurs
We hope that you place value on looking at REAL AMATEURS instead of professional model types who pose for a living. Most of our Amateurs probably SHOW a lot more than BELLY when they pose. You will see them nervous, shy & every once in a while with shakes & jitters. But that quickly wears off as we progress into the session.
Maternity Bras & Other Props
Bras are an integral part of the world of female underwear. We have seen so many colors, styles & models here. White, black, beige, blue,red, orange, green & multi-colored ones. A bra with polka dots would be one of our favorites. Nursing bras, Shiny satin bras, lacy white ones & bras that have some heavy duty work to do.
Relaxing the Poser
To relax them we do the first 30-40 photos in what we call “Photos you could send to Grandma” all with the clothes on. Then we move on to taking off the top, showing off the belly & getting a level of confidence
built up that makes them feel at ease removing the bra, playing with their breasts & playing with their body.
Trusy & Fun Do Go Together
Our slow motion sequences with what “Nipple Flicking” or “Boob Bouncing” always gets some smiles & laughter. But almost without exception by the time one of our 3 hour sessions is done, they are all smiles, picking out personal favorittes from 400 to 450 photos taken & choosing photos to be made into prints.
1 Session Leads to many others
Not a surprise that many of our sessions lead to having other friends of the model being referred to us both for the pregnant photos & our regular photo sessions for JustNips.Com When these gals have a good time they waste no time telling their friends. And you have probably noticed that pregnant women, always know OTHER pregnant women. Many of our fine sessions lead to more of the same.
The Belly Curve
When we do our sessions we try to capture the belly in every possible way. Side views, top views, from the ground looking up, between the legs looking towards the breasts & on all fours looking straight at you.
Stills & Video
What we do in stills we also do in video, but we add the element of movement. In this way you will see the session as though you were here. To some degree there is a voyeuristic element to what we do. Our sessions are done with very limited personnel present. It&s usually just the photographer & the PG gal.
Pregnancy (A Flower in Full Bloom)
Our fascination with pregnancy as a fetish started this site to fill a personal need or interest that simply was not being met on the net in the way presented here. There is a simply beauty in the female form pregnant.
It&s like a flower in full bloom.
“Milk Check”
Perhaps you also enjoy seeing the changes in awomans body... As the belly grows so do the boobs. Watch as B cups grow into D cups often filling with milk. We allow you to witness some of these Amateurs as we do a “Milk Check”... Many a time we have witnessed the first few precious drops of colostrum being squeezed out of her boobs & perhaps a slow drip to the floor.
If we are lucky enough to have the Amateur come back after giving birth, we often do a lactation session. Our photos & videos of the milky stages of post pregnancy can be a real hoot. AND quite a mess to clean up! Many of the women have never played with their boobs in this way before. We let the boobs drip, spray & display wetness through clothing & lots more.
Two Girl Lactation Sessions
We have had a couple of 2 girl sessions dealing with lactation. Honey & Brown Shuga was one of them. The other was Mia & Anastasia. They offer quite a contrast when comparing the lactating Mia with D cups to the very small A cups of Anastasia. Their milk play, spray, drip & even milk drinking was fun from beginning to end. Enter Kore Goddess with her lactating 38JJ boobs as she teams with other pregnant & lactating models available at that time.
Breast Pumps
Playing with the manual breast pump may suck a few drops of milk into the clear plastic housing, but it also gives you a see-through view of what it would be like sucking on that nipple.
PregnantUSA.Com offers a very private view of the pregnant woman. Many of our Amateurs have used the sessions as a SELF-ESTEEM builder. Attitudes towards pregnancy among many men is unfortunately still in the “Dark Ages” where they think the woman should be shunned, left alone sexually or worse yet just seen as being FAT.
To us (& hopefully you as a Member) it is a part of what makes a woman beautiful. We have had many women leave after a session with a much more positive outlook on her pregnant condition. Some walk in & say “I am so fat!” We respond with, “We have seen fat, and we have seen pregnant... I think you are beautifully pregnant!”
How much do some our Amateurs enjoy posing? Well, when they come back for their 2nd pregnancy just to have us capture their beauty again that pretty well says it all. Tanaya, Misty & Susan are 3 examples.
Haven with Twins!
Haven is one very special session where we have photos & video of her with a belly built for two! TWINS!! Exclusive to this site. You can photograph typical amateurs most any time. But the pregnant ones are a once in a life-cycle experience.
Sisters in the Act!
When we photographed TinkerBell we were sure surprised when a couple of days later Eve called & said she wanted to join in a session also. Just in the nick of time too, since her sister had the baby within 48 hours of us capturing this special event.
Video Samples
Our video samples here on the preview pages may only run for 30 to 90 seconds, but our videos on the site run from 4 to 7 minutes. We just look for a natural break instead of making every video the same length. Quality over quantity every time. We have more real Amateur footage in just 4-5 minutes of video than most adult movies have in a feature length film.
Special “Show Offs”
Our Amateurs pose for us & show themsleves in ways they would not even do for their husbands, boyfriends or lovers. But what always amuses us is that the men behind the women are our biggest fans when they get to see their best friend in both video & photos. Sometimes we even let them pick WHICH photos to be printed.
Session Settings
You may ask yourself what kind of a person views this kind of a site? Our members simply enjoy the beauty of the female from pregnant, & if you think about that, it&s something you can&t just go out & randomly find. Our members are both men & women. Many of the male members have matured AWAY FROM heavy duty porn, & are now enjoying a more enlightened variety of adult entertainment.
Join the Fun...
We hope that you join us in showcasing our special Pregnant Amateurs found only here. We in turn will strive to find more of them for your pleasure. What we have shown here is just a very small sampling of what Members see. Our Menmbers section is far more explicit. Our samples on these pages are just to high-light the great variety of Amateurs we have already placed on this site...
Good Clean Fun...
PregnantUSA.Com....It&s just good clean fun. Our site proves that you do not have to present hard core porn to have interesting materials... We have members that have joined us from the far reaches of the globe.
A “Sales Job” Getting Them to Pose!
Getting women to pose naked for the first time is quite a sales job. Now, getting a pregnant woman to pose takes sheer determination. So don&t expect to see them in public places or more elegant outdoor settings. We sometimes spend the first 30 minutes of a session just building trust & comfort levels that gets them to the TOPLESS stage. From there it&s usually pretty easy sailing till we ask for the panties to come off. Most of them do allow crotch shots to some degree. We are always happy when it goes to wide spreads & they become full blown exhibitionists.
First Time Posers
You will see 96% shy Amateurs posing for the first time. We show you in both stills & video what happens during sessions. It does have a voyeuristic element to it. We know, because s to sit in on our sessions are almost a daily event. But, we respect the privacy of our women & do what we can to make them feel comfortable & very, very safe....
Boobs Bellies & Booty...
If you really have been searching for variety in PREGNANT Amateur bodies, boobs, booty & bellies... It&s right here!
How Explicit?
Our more explicit & intimate views of our Pregnant Amateurs are restricted for MEMBERS ONLY. Only a handful so far have refused to show their more intimate areas.
Scene & Girl Descriptions (elaborate):
50 Miss Julia: Show50 Miss Julia
Miss Julia introduces herself & lets you know it's her first baby. One of our more vocal models. Pulls up her gold top & shows off her belly. Tosses her top & we do belly views from various angles. Wiggles her boobs within her bra. Belly rub. Bra inside out & we do a slow motion boob juggle. Jumping for a boob bounce. Same in slow motion. Nice side view. Jumping with her hands over her head with a nice bounce pattern. Same in slow motion. Running in place. Same in slow motion. Jumping Jacks. Same in slow motion. Jump & wiggle combo, with some zany facial expressions. Wiggles her boobs by rapidly moving her hands on her boobs just above her nips. Same in slow motion. Nipple flicking. Same in slow motion.Boob choice & wiggle. More boob choke & wiggling in slow motion. Leans forward with her belly hanging between her legs & wiggles her boobs side to side. Same in slow motion. Plays with her bra in various poses. Bra over her head. Bra strap under her right boob. Wiggles the right boob with her bra strap under her boob. Same in slow motion.Our slow motion bra toss. A nice one right at the camera. Jumping & turning. Same in slow motion. On her back Miss Julia cradles her boobs between her arms & gives us a wiggle. Nipple pulling & squeezing. One of our more vocal models. Medium vacuum cups on her left breast. Pumps it up, then wiggles her boob. Pulls hard on the cup trying to release it. We switch to the right side. Bounce the boob up & down. Then round & round. ANother pull up until the breast falls away. We switch to a much smaller vacuum cup with a back & forth wiggle. Slow motion boob wiggling with our smaller vacuum cup. Pulls until it releases. Switching to the left side. Pulling until it release. Now a hand operated breast pump. Squeezing. Then same in slow motion. Some early milk oozing out of her nipple. On all fours with a side to side boob wiggle. SIde boob view. SItting on her knees. A side wiggle of her boobs as seen form the side in slow motion. Sitting side to side boob wiggle. Nice belly view too. Colliding boobs done as a combination wiggle & collisions. Same in slow motion. SIde view with the belly showing. Pulls her panties down & we see her pussy shaved, with a very small landing strip. Plays with her pussy superficially. Low angle belly & boob view with the pussy. Panties halfway down now. Turns & shows us her ass. Leans forward & we see her pussy from the rear. Wiggles her ass cheeks. . Laying on her back & takes her panties off. A bit of a body scan. A really nice belly curve given she is about 6.5 to 7 months along. Brings her knees up to her chest. We see her pussy tightly pushed together, then spreads her legs & puts her hands on her thighs. We journey between her thighs with a nice pussy view. Pussy closeup. Brings her hands onto her pussy. Spreads her outer lips & touches her clit. Spreads her pussy & puts a finger on her lit to wiggle it. Big pussy spread with a fabulous lit view. SUper closeup of the lit. Spreads again. So much pink showing. We see her inner lips & her lit for an extended period. Slow motion pussy flexing with the lit fully exposed. Our bat wings pose with the pussy lips pulled away format eh pussy. The bat cave pose. Pussy squeezing, with outer lips pushing against the inner lips. Pulls up on her pubic mound to move her pussy about. Laying on her side with the belly gently touching the ground. Gets into a maternity one piece swimsuit. It's a nice fit in a beautiful blush purple color with black accents. Views of her in the suit. A very flattering design. Leans forward in her swimsuit & pulls her boobs out & we zoom in on her nipples. Pushes her boobs together. Then puts them away. Belly side views with a nice belly rub. Hands on her boobs. Crotch pull aside with a great pussy view. Various poses in her swimsuit. Pulls the top down & we try some play with our hula hoop. Same in slow motion. She is better at twirling the hoop with her hand & arm. Takes the swimsuit off all the way & we switch to a pink & black one. Adjusts it on her butt. Pulls it up & does it up. Hands on her boobs. WIggles her boobs in her top. Pulls the cups aside to show her nipples. Pushes her left nipple in. Small wiggle. Another pussy look via crotch pull aside. PLays with her pussy, show her lit again. Rear pussy view with a crotch pull aside. Says goodbye. Sticks her finger into her north & makes a nice sound as it pops out.
51 Moana Lott: Show51 Moana Lott
Pregnant & hairy, Moana Lott shows it all right out of the gate. Big dark nipples & a bush that simply does not quit. Gets into a sparkly dark dray dress that surely shows her curves like never before... Does her intro a bit deeper into the session than we are used to. Bending, flexing, some tit play & lots of views of her body from various angles. Getting out of the dress. Bobbie wiggles, & variations on that. Single jumps.They do little circles. Slow motion. This clip really is al about motion of the breasts. Moves into a satin blue bra with white spots. Plays with a fantasy cloth. Gets into a dance outfit that pops the belly right out there. Barely covers the nipples. Her bush spreads far & wide beyond the cover that the pussy portion could ever cover. Single & double nipple flicking towards the end. Nipple pulling. Gets 100% naked. Then marches center stage to try on a new outfit with more of a leopard print theme. Pulls & tugs on her pussy hair a bit. Gets naked again & walk off the stage. Spreads lotion on her breasts & rubs it in. Then some on her belly. Crotchless red satin panties with black trim. See-thru for the butt. Squats to the ground. On her back for the first 98 seconds of this clip with various positions for her legs & incredible pussy views for a multitude of angles. Legs behind her head. Puts on the matching top for her panties. See-thru for most of it. Plays with her nips & boobs to the end. On her back again. Nipple licking with closeups. More nipple licking & legs spreads. Sits up & undoes her top. Bending forward on all fours. Great belly & boob views. Wiggles them. Wide open mouth with a satisfied look on her face. (She loves to tease & dominate)! Pregnant in pantyhose. This scene is so hot if this is your fetish. Puts on the beige pantyhose & pulls it way past her belly button almost the bottom of her breasts. We take the opportunity to view her lush body from all angles. Takes the pantyhose off & walks away with her bush very visible. Gets into a deep purple dress with a rear zipper. Pops her boobs out & pulls it just below the bottom of her breasts. Nipple play in both normal & slow motion speeds. Wiggling while bending over. Hairy pussy flash. Takes the dress off & throws it at you.^M^J^M^J10) A red dress with a black liner. Nipple reveals for both sides. Pussy reveal when she lifts the dress. Off with the red dress & onto a white one with gold accents. More pussy play. Some hair play as she flings her hair from the ground all the way back. Ends with her yellow bikini which has black & white trim. She removes the bottom & walks off.
53 Nicki S: Show53 Nicki S
Nicki is just 5 months pregnant, but there was enough of a belly showing to make it interesting. A ton of STAR tattoos all over her body adds an interesting twist to her overall look. Starts out in her yellow & black plaid dress. Turns to show off her profile. Hand on her belly. Lifts off her dress & we see hot pink panties & a light pink Victoria's Secret bra nicely stuffed tot he brim. Bends forward & wiggles her boobs. Pulls down the left bra cup to expose her nipple. Then the right side. What a lovely set of juggs! Does a small boob juggling sequence. Squeezes her boobs together. Hands over her nipples, then colliding boobs. Same in slow motion. Bouncing boobs by small jumps. Same in slow motion. Jump & wiggle combo. Same in slow motion. Forward lean with a side to side tit wiggle. A low angle view of the same. Same in slow motion. Some bra play & posing. Wiggles her right boob with the bra strap. Same in slow motion. Tosses the bra. Tries her hand at our hula hoop. Then the same in slow motion. The belly keeps the hoop in place longer! Leans over sideways & wiggles her right boob. Another lean forward with a shoulder wiggle. A look at her knee high black boots. She sits down & removes them. On her hands & knees with a front view of a hanging side to side boob wiggle. SIde boob view while on her hands & knees. Nice butt view. Positions herself in a side view on her hands & knees. Foot view with a toe wiggle. We zoom in on her crotch area. An overhead view of her on hands & knees. Sits up, than lays herself on her back. A body scan. Squeezes her boobs tightly. They look big even when she is on her back. Pulls her panty crotch area aside to reveal her pussy/ We play with our nipple vacuum device & attach a small clear cylinder to her right nipple. Pulling & releasing. Colliding boobs while on her back. Same in slow motion. Panties off 100% & another pussy closeup. Legs up, knees to the chest for a better pussy view. We walk around her body with her knees tucked to her chest. A quick pass by her pussy between her legs. We explore several different angles. Legs raised into a "e;V"e; & the pussy somewhat apart. Nicki gets into a hot pink body stocking. This body stocking is crotchless. We zoom in on the pussy area. A leaning forward view of her pussy sot from behind. Squats to the ground to spread her pussy as much as possible. We look more closely at the pussy. Wiggles her inner pussy lips from side to side. Same in slow motion. Jumping jacks with a focus on the pussy. Another pussy view from the rear. Strips out of her bodysuit. Standing body view. Bounces off the set & comes back with a black halter top dress with a belt around the mid-section.Adjusts the dress & turns around. Pops out her left boob, then the right side. Flasher view of the dress. Pushes her boobs together with a portion of the dress between her boobs. Lifts & drops her boobs. Nipple flicking. Same in slow motion. Double nipple flicking. Same in slow motion. Drops the halter top portion of the dress. Boob choke & wiggle. Same in slow motion. Gets out of the dress completely then scampers off the set. A very see-thru purple dress (lingerie) that covers the top, then all the way down to Nicki's thighs. We zoom into the pussy area as she lifts the bottom of the garment. Squats to the ground & we watch her pussy spread a little. We look at both boobs through the sheer fabric. Small boob wiggle. Same in slow motion. Picks out a nice snake shaped dildo to play with. Sticks the narrow portion of the dildo into her pussy. then continues to stroke & play with it for another 2 minutes & she also switches to the fat end of the dildo. Another 2.5 minutes of dildo play followed by a hands & knees pose with her butt way up in the air for a nice spread. On her back with some nice inner lips pussy spreads. Pulls her inner lips then lets them loose. Same in slow motion. Says she will continue with her dildo play at home.... Bounces of the set with a smile on her face.
54 Pantera PG6: Show54 Pantera PG6
Pantera is a 21 year old girl about 6 months pregnant. She is from El Salvador, but speak flute English without a trace of an accent. Introduces herself. She is wearing white shorts & a peach colored top. Off with the top& she tosses it towards the camera. Pulls the bra straps through her arms. Pulls the left bra cup down & we see moderately puffy nipples on large B cup sized boobs which are very perky. Tells us that her nipples have gotten bigger since her pregnancy. Her nipples exhibit somewhat of a bullseye pattern on both of her areolas. Poses with her bra. Boob bouncing with her bra strap on her right boob. Same in slow motion. Slow motion bra toss. Pushes her boobs together. Look closely & you will see ONE drop of early milk on her right nipple. Nipple stretch. Bermuda Triangle pose & that drop of milk is still on her right nipple. Double Bermuda Triangle pose. Boob choke & wiggle. Same in slow motion. Pushes her boobs together with her upper arms, then does the same covering up her nipples as an implied nude pose. Her nipples are a bit dry, so we have Pantera puts some Lubriderm lotion all over her nipples & boobs. A nice massage to see. Boob juggling. Same in slow motion. Colliding boobs. Same in slow motion. Jumping for a nice boob bounce. Same in slow motion. Our jump & wiggle combo. The wiggle portion appears more interesting than the jump. Same in slow motion. Running in place. Same in slow motion. Leans forward & wiggles her boobs side to side. Same in slow motion. Jumping Jacks. Same in slow motion. Pantera attaches our medium sized vacuum cup & plays with her right nipple. Some slow motion play also. Vacuum cup play continues in slow motion on her right side. Pulls the cup off & we see a white ring where the cup was attached for a split second. Tosses her white shorts. Then she pulls her panties forward for a nice pussy view. A lovely side view of her pussy which is fully shaved. Pussy closeup. Off with the panties. Full body scan. Side view of her belly. A slow squat to the ground. A better look at her pussy which is now slightly parted. Pantera on her back & we do a body scan. Brings her knees up towards her chest, which affords us a much better pussy & butt cheek view. We bring the camera through the valley created by her thighs. Legs into a big V We zoom in on her pussy & along view of a sweet sweet asshole. Spreads her pussy lips& pulls up. Nice inner lips & a great clit. Lets go of her lips. We try some pussy flexing. Same in slow motion. Pulls on her pussy lips again, but this time holds them much lower down. Nice! Gets into a nice black party dress which just happens to have enough stretch to accommodate her 6 month belly. It has a nice cross-hatch pattern across her belly. Great side belly view. Pulls up on the bottom of her dress for a great pussy view. Pulls down the top to expose those fabulous two boobs again. We pose with a portion of the dress as a prop. ANother quick pussy view. Turns with her butt towards us. Leans forward for a low angle pussy view. Lifts the back of the dress up & spanks her butt with both hands, followed by a slow motion butt wiggle. Gets out of the dress & comes back wearing a shiny checkered shirt which could easily be a night shirt. Does a flasher pose with the shirt pulled wide open. Nice expose of her boobs again. A great view of her pussy again. Standing pussy spread from a very low angle. We zoom in. Leans forward & we take a low angle position with the boobs directly above us. Slow motion side to side boob wiggle. MAGICAL. Pantera ties up the shirt just below her boobs. Stands with her hands on her hips. Nipples poking out superbly. Bottomless looks good too! Wiggles her pubic mound. We focus on the wiggle & the pussy. Pokes at her pussy & it wiggles like Jello. Same in slow motion. Off with the shirt & she walks off the set. Comes back with a frilly boy shorts styled bottom in black & a print fop in red & white. Side belly view. Pulls her right side of the top for a right nipple view.Then pulls on the top with both boobs exposed. Wiggles the boobs in the top. Same in slow motion. (NICE!) A low angle view of her boobs as we look UP her top from the floor. Off with the top. Nipple flicking. Same in slow motion. DOuble nipple flicking. Same in slow motion. Tells us she had fun & hopes YOU enjoy it too. Walks off the set. FADE TO BLACK
55 Precious Lactation: Show55 Precious Lactation
Here's Precious an 18 year old at full term sporting a gorgeous 9 month belly. She is 1/2 black & 1/2 Puerto Rican. A lovely combo & a super personality that showed itself throughout the session. She introduces herself. Turns around, removes her jacket. We look at her belly in her bright red top. Pulls the top up to reveal her belly, then takes it off completely. Tosses it. Pulls her arms through her bra straps, then folds her left bra cup down, then the other side also. We zoom in on her nipples. Undoes her bra. Poses with the bra in various poses. The bra over her head. Wiggles it about. The bra over her right shoulder. Puts the strap under her right boob & bounces it up & down as we look from the side. Same in slow motion. SLow motion bra toss take one. Bra toss take two. Horizontal bra toss also in slow motion including & single jump up. Puts on a pair of emerald green gloves. We wanted to get some contrast between her hands & the rest of her body. Cradles her boobs. Bouncing boobs. Colliding boobs. Bermuda triangle pose. Adjusts her boob position. Wiggles her boobs. Boob choke & wiggle. Same in slow motion. Jumping with a nice belly & boob view. Same in slow motion. JUmping with her hands over her head & her boobs do nice circles. Same in slow motion. (One of the best circles we have seen in quite a while!) Another slow motion sequence. Jumping jacks with a side view. Same in slow motion. Leans forward & wiggles her boobs form side to side. Same in slow motion. Running in place. Same in slow motion. Leans forward as we look at her boobs from between her legs. Side to side boob wiggle. Same in slow motion. Our medium vacuum cup on her right boob. Pumps it up & pulls till the boob falls away. Wiggles her boob in slow motion. Pulls for another fall away release. We switch to a smaller size with more boob wiggling, & bouncing up & down. Same in slow motion. Pulls until the vacuum cup releases. We go to our whole boob cup & pump a lot more. One pull & it falls off. More pumping. A side to side wiggle. Continuing with our whole boob cup as we pull it away again. We switch to our manual breast pump. We make the nipple jump up & down. Same in slow motion. Off with her shorts & we find that she has no panties on. Side view of her belly & pubic mound curves. Pants off completely. A closer pussy view. We have her put some panties on. She pulls forward to reveal the pussy again. A very well defined shape on her pussy which has very large outer lips. Crotch pull aside. We show her how to do it. Off with the panties. Tosses the panties. A slow squat tot eh ground in slow motion. Her pussy is simply awesome. Close pussy view. Now the inner & outer pussy lips show very well. Wiggles her pubic mound & her inner lips have a nice wiggle to them. Same in slow motion. WIde pussy spread by pulling on the outer lips. Leans forward so her belly leans on top of her pussy. Another spread with a super closeup & pussy flexing. Lays on her back with her legs up. Pussy spread with lots of pink showing. We zoom in & see the inner portions of her pussy which is obviously quite puffy in anticipation of childbirth Pulls & releases her outer pussy lips several times. Same in slow motion. Rocks the pussy! Wide pussy stretch to reveal the lit & inner pussy lips fully. Tries on a floral patterned one piece swim suit. She look good in it. We look at her belly in side view. Slow motion butt wiggle. Leans forward to reveal her boobs & nipples by pulling the top down. Tries a side to side boob wiggle. Pulls the bathing suit top down just past the belly button. On her hands & knees with the boobs hanging. Wiggles the boobs side to side. Same in slow motion. Sitting on her knees rubbing her belly. Gets out of the swimsuit, then gets on two of our cushions which she hugs. Her ass in the air as she spreads her pussy lips widely. We toss Precious a stretchy top in shades of blue, green, black & grey. It covers her belly but not her pussy. Adjusting her boobs in the top. Pulls it down. We zoom in on her belly with a nice side view. Turns around. Jumping while turning. Jumping Jacks as we focus on her pussy & thighs coming together & apart. Same in slow motion. Her boobs also appear to have popped out of the top as we stop. A standing pussy spread & pussy lips wiggle. Spreads & wiggles. Pulls her outer lips & then releases them. Same in slow motion. A shutting of pussy lips as they collide. We have seen a lot of pussies & this one is quite unique in terms of size & proportions. We selects one of our glass dildos & plays with it. Twists it. As she pushes the dildo in it seems to suck the outer lips in with it. Rubs her pussy lips with the dildo. Another slow insertion. More wiggling. Slow motion extraction of the glass dildo. Rubs her pussy lips. WIld wiggling of the pussy lips with the dildo. Side to side wiggle of her pussy lips with the dildo. On her hands & knees with more dildo play from behind. She is quite creamy. Sticks the dildo in then lets go of it. It just slides out & hits the floor. She liked the glass dildo, but now we switch to a slim personal vibrator & you can tell her pussy is slowly oozing white female cum. Rubs the pussy in various ways & tries different settings on the vibrator since it has 10 different functions. The original sound track is in place here with no music at all. Pulls the pussy apart & places the vibrator on the lit.NOw that she has played with the vibrator & the glass dildo she says. "e;It's time to go!"e;
56 Precious: Show56 Precious
Precious is our 18 year old 1/2 Black 1/2 Puerto Rican amateur. She's back just 3 days after delivery with a fresh newly found supply of milk. Introduces herself. Takes her bra off. Tosses it in slow motion. Milk comes out with the smallest amount of pressure applied to her breasts. We switch to a manual breast pump & we can see the milk streaming out in several sprays. She tastses the milk but really does not like it. We clean the breast pump & do some more milk extraction. More manual breast pump milk collection. She dumps the milk into a plastic bottle for later use. More manual pumping with closeup views. As many as 3 or more streams clearly visible. Slow motion of several streams. Pours more milk into her collection bottle. Even though we said as soon as you pump it out your body will make more! Slow motion dripping off the left side. Slow motion for more collection on her left side. Some small out-streaming off her left nipple. Milking the right boob. We switch to our electric breast pump & you can hear it in the background. Some chat between the model & the photographer. We ask her how it feels She is collecting at a nice rate. She is pumping the left side with the electric pump. As we zoom in on her right side we see that side dripping by itself more & more. Slow motion drip form the right side with a little pressure applied to the upper portion of the breast. More slow motion as that side drips into the bottle cap & makes a splash. Her collection bottle is almost 2/3 rds full & she empties it into the larger bottle. More views of the collection process. Now pumping with our electric pump on the right side. Checks the left side & we have milk everywhere. She squeezes that side a bit. Transfers more milk into the bigger plastic bottle & we capture it in slow motion. Hands on the upper portion of her boobs. We now switch to more of a spraying from her boobs. We had to teach her how to make that happen. Milk spraying 101! She is squeezing both nipples. We attach our medium sized vacuum cup to her right side as she lays herself on her back. Bounces the boob & some milk has collected inside. Pulls the cup off in slow motion. More pumping & slow motion wiggling. More milk collecting inside. Pulls on it again. Slow motion pull off of the medium vacuum cup & milk spills out all over the place. Squeezes the right nipple. Some sprays STRAIGHT UP into the air. Most can not do this So she was really showing off! The rest of the session is mainly a whole bunch of individual spray edited together with multiple slow motion scenes. Sometimes one squeezes & nothing comes out. Other times we had as many as 5 individual sprays visible. Some rapid fire action. Towards the end our camera was simply drenched in milk If we have a couple of scenes that look out of focus, it's because we are filming THROUGH milk droplets. Pretty impressive overall. We ended up with 30 minutes of usable footage from about 36 minutes filmed. A solid (albeit wet) performance
57 Pretty Browneyes: Show57 Pretty Browneyes
Pretty Browneyes introduces herself. She is 6 months pregnant. Reveals her belly. Removes her top. We see that she is wearing matching pink bra & panties. Peals her bra cups down & we see that she has some very unique nipples. There is an area around her areola that is dotted with pigmentation that will probably make the nipple even bigger when she is further along in her pregnancy. Off with the bra. She poses with it. Wiggles the right boob with her bra strap. Same in slow motion. Tosses her bra a couple of times in slow motion. Leans forward & wiggles her boobs side to side. Same in slow motion. Jumping up & down with both the boobs & the belly bouncing. Running in place. Same in slow motion. Boob juggling. Same in slow motion. Colliding boobs. Same in slow motion. Jumping in slow motion with her hands over her head. Her boobs do circles. Jumping & turning. Our jump & wiggle combo. Same in slow motion. Closeup nipple wiggle. Same in slow motion. Boob choke & wiggle. Same in slow motion. We pump her right nipple with our medium sized vacuum cup. Pull on the boob until it releases. Same in slow motion. Lots more wiggling & pulling on her boob with the vacuum cups. Our biggest vacuum cup covers her whole boob. She pumps the boob at least a couple of cup sizes. Wiggles it ins low motion. We switch to our smallest vacuum cup & wiggle her boob in slow motion. Pulls until the boob falls away. Attaches our manual breast pump & plays with her right boob. Makes her nipple jump up & down in slow motion. Pulls on her nipples up & pulls teem together, then lets go. Does it several times. Then in slow motion. Alternates wiggling jeer nipples up & down in slow motion. Pulls & releases both nipples at the same time. Pulls her panties down. Squats to the ground & we see her hairy pussy. Lays herself flat on her back. We scan her body. Lifts her legs up to her chest & we see her ass & pussy. Spreads the pussy & see bright pink including the lit.We zoom in on the clit. More spreading. Pushes her pussy together & wiggles it. Spreads her pussy & releases it in slow motion.Does it several times. The biggest spread yet with a release. Pretty Browneyes changes into a gold & red bikini. She makes a few adjustments. WIggles the top with the bikini top straps. pulls the top over the boobs to let them fall away. Same in slow motion. Wiggles her ass. Spanks her bottom. Wiggles her bottom in slow motion. Releases her bikini bottom & lets it fall away. Tosses the bikini bottom, then undoes the top & wiggles her boobs form side to side. Same in slow motion. A really wild wiggle. SLow motion bikini toss. Side view of her belly & boobs. Gets into a white & black stripped bikini that has pink piping. Various poses in this new outfit. Adjusts her boobs in the top. Wiggles the boobs in the top. Same in slow motion. Tosses this top also in slow motion. Takes off the bottoms. Walks off these et & comes back in a one-piece maternity bathing suit. Rubs her belly as we look at it form the side. Pulls down the top to reveal her nipples again. Out of that swimsuit & into A long medium blue tube top. It basically covers all of the belly. Gets on her hands & knees & we see her boobs hanging. Another wiggle. Same in slow motion.We look at the hair from her pussy as it hangs between her legs. Says goodbye.
58 Renee & Alicia D: Show58 Renee & Alicia D
Renee takes off her top. Has on a golden beige bra. Alicia simply has no bra at all. They both bend forward. Boob wiggle ensues. Jumping up & down. Jumping facing each other. Boob juggling. They both strip naked & show off pussies. Both have hair, but Renee has the most. Butt towards us bending forward. They get into bikinis. Then the tops come off pretty quick. Both on all fours on the floor. Side to side boob wiggle. We do a quick walk-around with the butts way up in the air. Both girls getting into body-stockings. Both on their backs pulling on nipples & boobs. Boobs pushed together & released. Side to side wiggle while on their backs. Alicia doesn't quite get it! Both sit up. The girls facing each other. Renne starts with some titty squeezing. Very fine sprays coming out. Double streams. Alicia is getting drenched. We place Alicia on her back with Renee on top of her still dribbling & streaming for a full 7 minutes. The milk play continues with renee on her knees over Alicia's belly. We look at some of the splashes. Renee squeezing milk onto a clear plastic sheet. We have the camera underneath it. Renee doodling in her own milk. We see Alicia's pussy & Renee proceeds to spray that area. Nice streams & thick drops coming of her nipples. A view of the pussy now fully drenched in milk. A little river of milk runs down Alicia's thighs. We fill her belly button. Bounces her belly trying to get it out. Alicia smiling. A view of both girls. They get up & walk of the set with Alicia & Renee's boobs bouncing.
59 Renee 2: Show59 Renee 2
We squeezed a lot into this session. Renee is back again as a "e;Repeat Offender"e; this time pregnant at 6 months. A gorgeous & very shy gal at 5' 2"e; a Cuban Filipino mix (Quite unusual) Pulls her yellow top off & reveals a black bra. Nice 36D's on that petite frame. Arms through the bra straps. Then flips the bra cups inside out to reveal a hot pink to the inside of the bra. Belly views. Turns around. Poses with the bra. Boob wiggling with the bra strap on the right side. Slow motion bra toss. Boobs pushed together. Some boob wiggling. Same in slow motion. Colliding boobs. Same in slow motion. Leans forward for a side to side boob wiggle. Same in slow motion. Brings her arm into position for our Bermuda Triangle pose. Measures her nipples at 1.5 inches across and about 8 inches center to center. Tosses the ruler. Turns sideways for a nice belly profile view. Love the way the boobs are sitting on top of the belly already at this 6 month stage. Nipple stretch. Nipple flicking. Same in slow motion. Pushes her boobs together with her upper arms. Another belly view. Nipple zoom in for a detailed shot. Undoes her pants. Slides them off. Now just in her panties. We can already see some bush. Panties halfway down & we see quite the jungle. Lovely definition on her outer pussy lips & her pubic mound. Pulls the hair on her pubes. Stretches it & lets go. Rubs the hair. Another pull. Has to be about 2 inches long in some areas. Slow motion pull. Sits in our cute red drop stool & spreads her legs for a great scrunched up pussy reveal. Puffy outer pussy lips already! Bumps her general pussy are & it wiggles like Jello. Slow motion pussy jiggling. Laying on her back on out Tantra Lounge & she spreads her leg.Pulls her pussy lips apart. Nice pink interior. Some flexing. Stretches & releases her pussy lips. Perhaps the best pussy expose for Renee so far. She is kind of shy about showing this part of her body! Our BAT WINGS & BAT CAVE pose with her pussy lips. A super wide stretch seen from the front with a great lit view. More flexing. Pushes her pussy up & down format eh pubic mound area. Same in slow motion. Some interesting mirror views of her pussy (Super detail also of this in our stills!) Leans forward over our Lounge with a rear pussy view & partial spread. Side view while Renee leans forward over our Tantra Lounge. Now laying in the curve of the Lounge on a red pillow with one leg up for a better pussy view. Great belly pussy & boob views here. Nipple closeups. TIme for an outfit change. A colorful rainbow striped mesh outfit that covers the belly with straps & is quite see-through. She gets into it. Adjusts it. Poses with it. Spanks her butt six times, then wiggles her butt cheeks in slow motion. (NEAT!) Our widest & closest pussy spread of the session. Tries some flexing. Pulls up on the pussy for a better lit view. More super lit views. She pulls the hood waaaay back! Renee on her hands & knees with a nice side view followed by a move around to her butt & clam-like pussy. Starting with that butt view, then getting in even closer Zooming back a bit to see the butt & upper leg & the shape they command. With her butt towards us a leaning forward view followed by a squat to the ground with a nice hanging pussy view hair & all. Sitting on the ground with her right legs stretched way out. Zoom in on her pussy again. Amazing out lips (Sooooo Puffy!) Pulls on the right side of the upper pussy then lets go for a nice jiggle. Same in slow motion. STands up & pulls the bottom of this rainbow colored outfit up to show off her hairy pussy. Gets out of the outfit. Does a standing pussy spread. The next outfit is a fuchsia colored slinky tube styled one-piece dress that clings wonderfully to her pregnant body & highlights every curve (especially the belly!) What a fir. We attempt some hula-hoop. Same in slow motion. Not easy when you are pregnant. Pulls the top off this outfit down for the topless look. A side to side standing boob wiggle. Same in slow motion. Another pull up on the bottom of the dress for a hairy pussy reveal. Says she had a lot of fun Takes off the dress, flings it over her shoulder & walks off the set.
60 Renee 3: Show60 Renee 3
Renee is back for her last session in this particular pregnancy & she is a full 38 weeks. She hopes to pop this one out in about a week to ten days. She introduces herself. Strips out of her top, her bra (tosses it in slow motion) & plays with her boobs which are now a nice 34DD size. Some slow motion. More boob play, the strips out of her pants & we begin to get into some pussy views. She is not shaved & has a nice bush going. Her pussy is quite puffy & enlarged due to the looming delivery. More pussy play, stretching, wiggling & flexing with a few slow motion sequences. There's a nice pink color to her inner pussy portions & her inner lips have a nice thickness to them. Pussy views form the rear while Renee is on her hands & knees. She tries on a very colorful one piece maternity swimsuit which she fits fairly well. A nice crotch pull aside. We see a little bit of early milk squeezed out of one of her nipples. Another outfit change as we try a pink frilled halter top. But, with her pregnant belly the hemline does not stay straight Instead it fully exposes her hairy bush very nicely. We then switch to a black with white polka dot halter top of a similar style. This on is a bit longer & covers better. Various views in this top. SOme more on the ground poses, pussy spreading & finally she rolls on her back & waves good-bye!
61 Renee 4: Show61 Renee 4
Renee is our 20 something Cuban model who just had her baby a few weeks ago. Here you get to see what you can do with the milk she has. Lots of squirting, dribbling, pumping & milky messy fun all over the place. About 32 minutes in the full HD session...
62 Renee: Show62 Renee
We catch up to Renee at 8.5 months along. Starts with a bright yellow dress. Shows off her belly. Turns around. Pulls down the top & she is not wearing a bra. Her nipples appear to have enlarged somewhat from prior sessions. Pushes her boobs together & smiles. Some colliding boobs. Lifting & dropping of her boobs. Small jumps for a boob bounce. Bends forward & wiggles side to side, but the top is slowing her down. Forward bend with a low angle boob view. A wiggle. Slow motion jumping. Side to side standing wiggle. Sitting down poses. Leaning back. An overhead boob & belly view. Bermuda Triangle pose. Boob choke & wiggle. Strips out of the yellow dress totally. Now down to a pair light grey tights that covers the belly partially. Rubbing her belly. Various belly views. Some nipple flicking. More nipple flicking. Sitting view with her right leg pulled towards her chest affords a nice protruding belly view. Squatting view. Now totally naked & shows a mild bush. A closer view of that. Renee gets into a Nurse's outfit. Panties, hat & pasties. The belly sticks out nicely. Attaches the pasties. "e;Nurse Renee here to make you feel better!"e; Bounces her boobs to make the tassels on her pasties bounce & spin. Excellent in slow motion. Standing view on her nurse uniform. Turns around. Wiggles her butt. Pulls her crotch aside. Squats to the ground. Removes the pasties. & abandons the outfit. Squeezes her boobs for a "e;Milk Test"e;... Pussy closeup. On hands & knees with butt in the air. Another great pussy view followed by a hanging boobs sequence. Boobs as shot between her legs with the belly hanging. Maximum closeup of the pussy shows some white creaming. (Sweet!!!) Laying flat on her back. A bit of a body scan. Boobs pushed together. Knees up to her chest. Legs further apart. The creamy pussy is more clear to see now. Still on her back with another swing by the pussy with the belly directly behind. She spreads her pussy & the white goo is all over her inner pussy lips. Spreads & releases the pussy. We zoom in. Pussy wiggle. Gets into a pink bra with black polka dots. Wiggles the boobs IN the bra. We watch from several angles. Lifts the bra up & lets the boobs fall out of the bottom. Single jumps while still in the bra. A body scan from the pussy to the bra & then a pan back... The music is slow to start on this clip. (It's us not you!) Another body view. Removes the bra & tosses it towards the camera. Gets into a colorful native styled bikini top & bottom. Various views in the bikini. Drops the bra cups of the top. Nice side boob & belly views. Squeezes the left nipple to get some "e;First Milk"e; out. Strips out of that swimsuit & gets into a flashy metallic red one piece with a portion of the belly poking out. (Perfect for this preggo session!) Rubs her belly a bit. Squats down & lets the belly poke out as much as possible. Strips out of this outfit also. Walks off the set & comes back with a light purple top with a horizontal black stripe with white piping. She is bottomless otherwise. Rubs her belly. Various body views along with the belly in profile. Says... "e;Bye Bye!"e;
65 Samantha Parker PG7: Show65 Samantha Parker PG7
This petite curly haired blonde is 33 & about 7 months pregnant. Nice 38 D's. You can also see her with straight hair (& not pregnant at JustNips.com) Introduces herself.Shows off her belly. Nice side view. Rubs her belly. Body scan from the crotch. Removes her straps from the bra, then wiggles her boobs up & down. Pulls her her bra cups.Jumping for some boob bouncing. Same in slow motion. Wiggles her boobs from side to side. Same in slow motion. Jumping up[ & down with her hands over her head. Same in slow motion. Leans forward with a side to side boob wiggle. Removes her bra. Stretches it from end to end. Diagonally over her head. Bounces her boob with her bra strap. Same in slow motion. Slow motion bra toss. More side belly & boob views. Leans forward with a nice side boob & belly hang. Butt view with her see-thru panties. Spanks her butt. Leans forward & we view her boobs wiggling from a vantage point between her legs. Same in slow motion. D cups on a small gal like this are pretty impressive. Lays on her back & rubs her belly. Body scan. Laying with her head on her purple pillow. Her belly wiggles as she laughs. Pulls on her right nipple & bounces her boob up & down. Same in slow motion. Pulls & releases both boobs at the same time. Same in slow motion. Plays with our medium sized vacuum cup. Pulls on her right boob. Has a hard time getting the cup off. FInally it comes off. We switch to the left side with more boob wiggling. Pulls hard. Another problem getting the cup off. Pushes on the side of the cup to release it. Another a pull on the right side. We switch to a much smaller vacuum cup. When it is released we notice some milk on the tip of the nipple. The boob bouncing with the vacuum cup continues on the right side in slow motion. We switch to our largest vacuum cup & she wiggles her boob all about. Pulls the cup off quite easily. Next comes a hand held manual breast pump. Some slow motion action with the pump as the nipple jumps up & down. The nipple is very wet. The nipple is somewhat off center. Chokes her right boob then wiggles it. Some of the milk has dried on her breast. Lays on her side. Nipple closeups. Wiggles her left boob, then we do a body scan that shows off her belly nicely. Lifts her legs up with her thighs close together & we get some great pussy views. A nice big "e;V"e; spread on the legs. Great belly & pussy view. Pussy closeup. She has substantial inner pussy lips. Legs slightly apart with an extended look at her pussy & butt. Spreads her inner pussy lips for us, then spreads her outer pussy lips for a nice show. Stretches & releases her pussy lips several times. Nice view of her lit in this sequence. Slow motion pussy lips stretching & releasing. Pussy closeup. Flexes her pussy. Inner pussy lips stretch.More stretching & flexing. Samantha is going to try on a colorful bikini. She gets the bottoms on first, then the top, which has a bright pink liner. Belly side views. Jumping Jacks. Same in slow motion. Pulls her top up & over her boobs to allow them to drop away. Boob juggling. Same in slow motion. Pulls her top down over her head to expose the inner liner of the bikini top. Adjusts her top, then shows off a her nipples on each side by pulling the cup forward. Pulls the top up, then together to expose both boobs. Side to side wiggle. Off with the top & a slow motion toss of the top towards the camera. Pulls the bottoms down to show off her pussy. Nicely shaved. Pulls in slow motion to drop her bottoms. Her pussy wiggles ins low motion as it releases. Squats to the ground, & we get a spectacular view of her inner lips spread quite far apart. Sits on the ground with the legs far apart. Leans forward & her boobs hang very low. A very close pussy view. Pulls her left knee up, then the right & we see a nice pussy spread with her tummy directly above. On her hands & knees with her belly hanging with a nice side view. Butt view of her pussy with the belly hanging & we do a full walk-around. Nice side view of her hanging boobs. Lifts her right hand & puts it on her butt, then wiggles her boobs side to side. Same in slow motion. Rear view of her butt in the air with the belly hanging & boobs wiggling side to side. Spreads her pussy & we zoom in. Nice lit view. Butt naked now & on her knees, then we do a pose on both hands & one leg extended backwards. Allows us to see her belly & pussy merge very nicely. Samantha selects a glass dildo & plays with it for about 5 plus minutes. It looks like a mini cucumber. We see a nice inter-action between her dildo & her pussy lips which are sometimes drawn in with the dildo movement into her pussy. She is not all that vocal although it is obvious that she is having a good time with the toy. A slow motion dildo extraction to see how the pussy lips cling to the glass. An overhead view in regular speed shows the same thing. The dildo close to her pussy & she tells us she is signing off Now she has a now toy!
66 Sara R: Show66 Sara R
Sara R is pushing towards the 6 month mark with her pregnant belly. Sexy satin black dress with flashy red opera length satin gloves. SHows off the belly, does a squat to the ground & reveals that she has no panties on. Plays with her pussy a bit. Amazing outer lips with a nice bounce on them. Pushes her boobs together. Pops the top down & massages her boobs. Medium sized darker nipples. A view from an overhead position. Boobs squeezed together by her upper arms. Sitting on the ground legs a bit apart. East meets West as she pushes her nipples together. We go from her right foot along her leg to her pussy. She takes her shoes off. We look at some of her tattoos. A few more peeks at her pussy from various angles. The dress comes down past her belly button & then some. nice "e;VOID"e; tattoo. Lets the dress drop to the ground. ANother look at the tattoo on her right upper leg. We scan her body toe to head. A side belly view. Rubs her tummy. Some bouncing of the boobs. Leans forward to wiggle boobs side to side, but we stay back far enough to still view that amazing pussy. Standing side to side wiggle. Colliding boobs.Lifting & dropping of the boobs with her gloved hands in place. Some more pussy views. Comes back on the set with a fancy black mesh bodystocking. It's crotchless... Standing view with belly poking out. Zoom in on the pussy lips. Turns around to give us a butt view. Bends over forward. Zoom in on the pussy. On her back with legs high into the air. Wiggles her legs to effect an outer pussy lip wiggle. Same only the camera is now a lot closer. Enough wiggle to see the inner lips popping out some. Still in her bodystocking & we do another body scan. Raises her legs to her boobs. Strokes her thigh next to her pussy. Laying on her side. Flicks her nipples. Pushes her boobs together. Strips out of our bodystocking & sits on our red drop stool. Forward lean with an emphasis on her pussy from behind. Boob view from between her legs. Straightens up & walks off the set. We switch to medium length bluish purple gloves that go almost up to the elbows & a matching black sequined top & bottom. Butt crack view & hands on the butt.Crotch pull aside. Extended view of the pussy up close.Plays with it for a while. Takes the top covering off to reveal a bra underneath. Tosses the covering that was over the bra. then works slowly at teasing us & removes the bra itself. Crosses her gloved hands & forms our Bermuda Triangle pose. Stretches her right nipple. Wiggles the boob up & down...Nipple stretch on the left side. Boob choke & wiggle. First one side then the other. Squeezes some "e;First Milk"e; out of her right boob then the left. Disposes of her bottoms. Zoom in on her pussy. Slow squat tot he ground. The outer pussy lips wiggle ever so slightly as she squats. Laying on her back we take a slow walk around her pussy for a multi-angle view. Zoom in. Knees up to her chest. A journey between her thighs, & her pussy has spread a little. Pushes her outer lips against the inners. Then pulls the outer lips apart & we zoom in. Stretches & releases. Nice inner lips also. Pulls back & wiggles her clit & hood up & down. Pussy views with the legs tight apart.
67 Sarah Niley: Show67 Sarah Niley
Sarah Niley is just 23 & a bit over 6 months along. We were very pleased to be able to get this super fine looking model to pose for us. I am sure that most of our members have no idea how difficult it is to have PURE AMATEURS that happen to be pregnant to strip naked & to do something they have never done before. Introduces herself. Turns around, then pull sup her top to reveal her belly. She is wearing a white bra. Brings her arms through the bra straps. Pulls down the left bra cup, then the other side. Pulls her bra down inside out. Views of both her boobs & belly. Off with the bra. Some poses with the bra. The bar over her head. Bra over her right shoulder. Bounces her right boob with her bra strap. Same in slow motion. Slow motion bra toss. Hooks the bra over the camera. Another bra toss to get it right. Plays with her hair. Pushes her boob tightly together. Side view of her boobs. She is obviously wearing a bra that is way to taught since lines form the seams of the bra are showing, Boob jiggling & juggling. Same in slow motion. Bounces her boobs & we look at both her boobs & her belly. Same in slow motion. Running in place in slow motion. Jumping & turning in slow motion. Leans forward for a side to side boob wiggle. Same in slow motion. Our medium sized vacuum cup on her right boob. Pumps the nipple up nicely & it goes into a bright red color. Wiggles her boob up & down. Pulls hard & lets the boob drop off. Same in slow motion. Pulls the boob off in slow motion also. We switch to a much smaller vacuum cup. More wiggling & pulling. Same in slow motion. We play with our manual vacuum cup & bounce the nipple up & down. Same in slow motion. Pulls on the nipples with a couple of fingers on each side. Pulls up on the nipples & then pulls them tight together & lets go. Same in slow motion. Off with her shorts. Pulls her panties forward to reveal a pussy of very nice shape. Off with the panties. Another belly side view & views of the pussy. A slow motion squat to the ground. Watch as the pussy spreads a bit. A bigger inner lip on the right side than the left. Sarah laying on her back. Knees up to her chest with a beautiful ass & pussy view. A video camera journey between her legs with a nice pussy view from above. A tight squeeze on her pussy. Legs spread & up into a big view. Pussy closeup. Puts her legs down.A low angle pussy view. Spreads her outer pussy lips a bit. A really nice view. Tries to flex her pussy with minimal reaction.Pulls up to expose the lit very nicely.We zoom in. More flexing. A nice view that lets us look deep into the pussy. Wiggles her lit a bit. Wobbles her pubic mound & lit all at the same time. Pushes her outer pussy lips tight together to squeeze against the inner lips. Same in slow motion as Sarah wiggles her lips left to right. Grabs her outer lips for her biggest spread of the session. Lets go. Then does it several times. Same in slow motion. A nice wiggle results. Sarah puts on a red & white dress with a fancy wide stripped pattern. Nice side belly view. Nipples sticking out of the dress. Lifts the bottom of her dress up to reveal her pussy. Leans forward to let us look at her right boob with a pull of her top. Turns to show her back to us, Lifts her dress up to reveal her butt cheeks. Slaps her butt several times. Lifts her dress up & tosses it. We switch to a white & black polka dot dress that barely covers her body. Her pussy sticks out. Side boob view. Pulls the top of the outfit together to reveal her boobs. Lifts her bottom up to reveal her butt. She turns around. Standing with her boob poking out. Nipple closeups. Slow motion jumping with a nice boob bounce. Lifts the bottom of her dress up. Turns around with a small lean forward with a nice low angle pussy view. Gets onto the ground & gets on all fours. Nice pussy up in the air. Fabulous pussy views with the belly hanging down nicely. Pulls her top down to show her hanging boobs. We walk around her with her ass & pussy showing up nicely. Pussy, butt & ass views. Spreads her pussy by pulling on her ass cheeks. Sitting with her legs spread & we zoom in on her pussy. Sarah pulls her dress up a bit. We zoom back, then zoom in on her left nipple, then back with a nice belly & pussy view. We zoom in on her pussy one more time. Sarah gets up & takes her polka dot outfit off. Walks off the set & comes back with a Dusty Rose & Black colored dress. It's a nice fit. Nice side belly views. Pulls a portion of the top forward to reveal her boobs. First the right side, then the left. Pulls the bottom of the dress up to reveal her nicely shaved pussy. A rear view with our best butt cheeks view so far. Bends forward & we take another low angle view of her pussy. Sarah tries our smaller hula hoop. It's pretty well a hopeless cause. Off with this dress also. She walks off the set & comes back with a most colorful two piece maternity bikini set. We watch as she puts it on. Bottoms first, then the top. Nice colorful belly view. Side belly view is amazing. Stretches her arms over her head. Belly & butt view in profile. Turns around. Pulls her bottoms of the colorful two piece bikini down to reveal her pussy with a nice peek-a-boo view. Crotch pull aside for a different pussy view. Pulls the top up to reveal her boobs from all angles. Leans forward with a nice side to side wiggle. Same in slow motion. Sarah has very nice plump nipples. Nipple flicking on the right side. Same in slow motion. Double nipple flicking. Same in slow motion. Tosses the top in slow motion. A second toss more like a slingshot style throw. SIde belly view topless With her bottoms on. Off with the bottoms. We spend a few minutes of Sarah playing with a deep blue sheer with slow motion play with the cloth. Sarah squats to reveal her pussy nicely. We zoom in. SIde pussy view closeup. Says goodbye & walks off the set.
68 Sativa: Show68 Sativa
Exclusive session for PregnantUSA.com Sativa is a 33 year old Cambodian model who is 8 months pregnant. Modeling for us exclusively. Introduces herself with her hands on her belly. She still does not know if its a boy or a girl. Shows off her belly. Rubs it. Pulls her dress off & we see a black bra with silver stars all over it. Pulls down the bra straps then pulls the bra inside out to reveal average sized nipples of a deep chocolate brown color. Nipple closeups. Takes her shoes off & pushes her breasts tightly together. Boobs still tight together in our East meets West pose. Does some colliding boobs. Poses with her bra in various poses. Wiggles her right boob with the bra strap. Tosses the bra. Runs in slow motion. Standing jumps again in slow motion. Wiggles her boobs from side to side in slow motion. Jump & wiggle combo. Boob choke & wiggle. Same in slow motion. Nipple flicking. Nipple pulling. We observe some milk on the tip of the nipple. Boob wiggle by pulling on her right nipple. Same in slow motion. Cups the nipples with her fingers & pushes her breasts together. Jumping in slow motion. Single jumps. Makes a heart with her hands on her belly. Wiggles her belly a bit. Leans forward for a side to side boob wiggle & a stretch. Nice side view of the boob in profile. A between the legs view of her boobs wiggling side to side. Same in slow motion. On her hands & knees with various body views, then on her back all stretched out. Body scan head to toe. Wiggles her boobs while on her back. The jiggle extends all the way to her belly. We see the same with more of a view from above her head. Rocks her body back & forth for anise up & down boob movement while on her back. Same in slow motion. A low angle view of the same. Sativa on her side with a bak & forth motion. Ditches the panties & we scan from toes to her head. Lifts her legs & we see a nice pussy view as the camera goes between her legs. A zoom in on her pussy. Stretches her pussy lips to reveal a larger than average lit. Perhaps as large as her small finger nail. Makes it stand out nicely. Super lit closeup with the hood pulled all the way back. Wiggles the pussy side to side. Some pussy flexing to see if the lit moves. Squeezes the outer pussy lips tight together against the lit & hood.. Then several huge pussy stretches to reveal the sweetest colors of pink.Pulls & releases her pussy lips in slow motion. Squats to the ground & sits her butt on the floor. Picks through our fine selection of pyrex glass dildos to choose her favorite. Picks a double ended unit with great variety in texture depending on which end i inserted. Wiggles the dildo over her pussy lips & lit. WIth her hands not touching the dildo she flexes her pussy trying to push the dildo out. Pushes it out beautifully without use of her hands. Pussy & dildo play here is almost 6 mounts. Vacuum cup over her right nipple. We pump the air out & the nipple fills the cup. Wiggle the boob up & down. Pull high up until the breast & nipple fall away with a nice wiggle & bounce. Same in slow motion. We go to a full breast cup & apply vacuum again. Requires more pumping. Then our manual breast pump to see the nipple jumping up & down as the vacuum is applied & released. A tight nipple squeeze produces some of her FIRST MILK as we like to call it. She licks & tastes some of it. In a black & white striped dress. Rubs her belly. Pulls her right breast out of the top to show off her nipple. Then leans forward to show off both sides with a nice lean. Turns around to show her butt, lifts her dress up & we see a rear pussy view. Leans even further forward & her boobs spill out of the dress. A wide pussy pull from her thighs. A really nice spread that shows her lips nicely. Sativa signs off, then bounces off our set in a slow motion trot.
69 Sexy Roxy 2: Show69 Sexy Roxy 2
Sexy Roxy comes back after her baby & tries a lactation session. What she discovers is that it's not as easy as it looks. Sure you can pump milk with a powerful electric machine, but squeezing it by hand out of your boobs ends up to be quite the challenge. Watch as she struggles! You tuned the soundtrack way down so you can hear some of her comments & chatter between her & the camera man. She pours some milk over her upper body. We play with a vacuum device on her nipple, but even that has a hard time getting milk out. The electric pump overall does the best job overall. At the end she takes a short pee break in our tub, with stuff getting all over her thighs with giggling that ensues.... OK, enough of that take a shower & wash all that stuff off! This session runs 22:19 minutes & we have it in its full length HD 1280 x 720 version only. With the struggles we had with getting ANY milk out... There simply was no opportunity for a photo session to along with the video.
70 Sexy Roxy: Show70 Sexy Roxy
Sexy Roxy introduces herself & we find out that she is 5.5 months pregnant. Rubs her belly, then undoes her belt. Off with the dress. Then plays with her bra & turns the cups inside out. Pushes her boobs together & her nipples do the East meets West pose. Some boob juggling. Same in slow motion. Gets on the floor & takes her shoes off. Undoes the bra & poses with it. The bra is placed over her head. Bounces her right boob with her bra strap. Same in slow motion. The bra toss TAKE ONE. The bra toss TAKE TWO. The second toss is better than the first. Off with the pants. Now just in her panties. Measures her nipples. Jumps up & down & her boobs come together. Jumps with her hands over her head. The boobs make neat little virgules as they bounce. Same in slow motion. Jumping Jacks. Same in slow motion. Leans forward & wiggles her boobs. Same in slow motion. Running in place. Same in slow motion. Even the belly wiggles as she runs. Pushes her boobs together. Colliding boobs. Same in slow motion. Boob choke. Same in slow motion. Bermuda triangle pose. Double Bermuda triangle pose. On her hands & knees with her boobs hanging. Wiggles her boobs. Same in slow motion. Sitting in a half lotus yoga position. Wiggles her boobs from side to side as we see her boobs in profile. Laying on her back she pulls on her nipples.Colliding boobs while she is on her back. Same in slow motion. Our medium sized vacuum cup on her right nipple. Pumps up the nipple, then bounces the boob up & down. Wiggles her boob with the vacuum cup attached. Same in slow motion. The boob falls away. Our biggest vacuum cup pretty well encloses the whole boob. Wiggles her boob back & forth. Pulls the cup off. Plays with our manual breast pump. Same in slow motion. Pulls the panties down a bit. Side pussy view. Off with the panties. Kneeling down. Sitting with her legs a bit apart. Hands on her pubic mound. Rubs her belly. Crosses her legs & we look at her pussy from a low angle view. A view of her pussy from her belly button. On her back with her legs into a big letter "e;V"e;. We walk around her. On her hands & knees with her boobs hanging & her ass high into the air. We walk around to the pussy end & see her belly hanging & her boobs wiggling. A nice ass view. Her left hand on her ass. Side view of her boobs hanging. We toss her a nice red & black piece of lingerie. She puts it on. Spanks her butt, then wiggles her butt cheeks. WIggles her boobs within the outfit. Peels the bra cup down. Nice close nipple views. Standing views in this outfit. Bounces her boobs in the red & black outfit as we take a low angle view. Same in slow motion. Puts her hands under her boobs. Pulls the red lingerie item up with a nice belly view. A peek down her panties. Off with the red & black lingerie & the matching panties. Gets into a nurses outfit, & says that now she can deliver the baby herself. Rubs her belly. Pulls her left nipple out. Shakes that boob. Wiggles the boob by placing her hand high on the boob. Both boobs out. A nipple wiggle. Nipple pulling. Nipple flicking. Same in slow motion. Into a yellow bottom & matching top. A nice cross between a swimsuit & lingerie. Wiggles her boobs with the straps of the top. Slow motion bouncing. Wiggles the boobs with the straps crossed into a nice "e;X"e;. With the top down wiggles her boobs from side to side. Pulls her bra top over her boobs & lets them fall down in slow motion. Says goodbye & walks off the set.
71 Shy: Show71 Shy
Shy is 7 months pregnant & doing her first photo & video session with us. Introduces herself & quickly gets to showing us her belly. Gets out of her yellow pants & she has a 2 piece bikini on. Undoes the straps to the top & pops her left boob out. Massive nipples & areolas. We see both boobs up close. She complains about her dry skin, so we offer her some lotion. She puts it on her boobs. A little bit of boob juggling. Same in slow motion. Jumping. Same in slow motion. Wiggles her boobs side to side. Same in slow motion. Jumping Jacks. Same in slow motion. Pushes her boobs together in an East meets West pose. Colliding boobs. Same in slow motion. Bermuda triangle pose. Double that pose. Leans forward & wiggles her boobs side to side. Same in slow motion. Hands on her belly. Butt view. Leans forward & we see her boobs from between her legs & wiggles her boobs side to side. Same in slow motion. Boob choke & wiggle. Same in slow motion. Massaging her boobs with her hands deep into the boobs. Some more juggling. LIfts her bikini top up over her boobs a couple of times. Same in slow motion. Nipple flicking with her bikini strap. Same in slow motion. Nipple flicking with her middle finger on her right nipple. Pulls on her right nipple & lets go. Same in slow motion. CHanges to the left side. Lifts & drops her breast by lifting on the nipple. Poses with t he bikini top in various positions. Bounces her boob up & down by placing the strap format he bikini top tightly over the middle of her nipple of the right side. Pulls her bikini bottom down to reveal a somewhat hairy muff area. We look at the belly merging into the pussy area. a slow squat tot he ground. Plops her ass to the floor. An overhead view of her body & belly. Rubs her belly a bit. Another pussy view. Shy flat on her back plays with her boobs. We do a body scan head to toe with special attention to the pussy area. Juggles her boobs while on her back. We attach a vacuum cup over her right nipple big enough to cover all of her areola. Vacuum is applied & the nipple is sucked into the cup. Same in slow motion. Bounces the boob up & down with the cup still attached. Same in slow motion. Now using a much smaller cup that barely sucks up the protruding nipple portion itself.. Next a cup big enough to almost engulf the entire boob. We could call this boob under glass almost. Wiggles the boob back & forth. Still on her back legs pulled up to the chest with a nice pussy view from a lower angle. Puts her legs into a "e;V"e;. Still on her back with the pussy far apart. Pulls her outer pussy lips apart. Clit closeup. Wiggles her pussy & lit. Pulls & releases her outer pussy lips. Same in slow motion. WIggles the fleshy pubic mound. Same in slow motion. WIggles the pussy lips side to side. We put Shy into a two piece red white & blue Budweiser bikini set. A very nice look for what is NOT a beer belly. Various views of her in the outfit. Jumps up & down in the set & nothing pops out. Jumping & turning in the Budweiser outfit. Same in slow motion. Jumping & turning. She turns all the way around. Same in slow motion. Jumping up & down & we try to get the boobs to pop out. SUCCESS! Same in slow motion. Jogging in place. various angles. Same in slow motion. Takes the bottoms off, then the top & walks off the set. Comes back with a blue & white patterned Maternity one-piece swimsuit. Gets into it. Various poses in the one-piece. Pulls the top down to show the boob hang. Wiggles her boobs together with her upper arms only. Same in slow motion. Gets out of the swimsuit & walks off the set for another change up. Shy selects a beautiful dildo & plays with it for several minutes. Some slow motion pussy action as the dildo is removed slowly. On hands & knees with knees far apart, belly hanging & boobs swinging from side to side. Same in slow motion. Says her good-byes, gets up & bounces off the set.
72 Silvana 2: Show72 Silvana 2
This is the lactation session for Silvana. The prior session you saw her when she was 8 months pregnant. We also have non-pregnant session at JustNips.com. Sitting on a bed she plays with her right boob. Squeezes some milk out. Looks down on her nipple. Chatting with a girlfriend in the background. More boob squeezing. Some drips coming out. Switches to her left boob. Standing, & you can see she is really short at 4' 9.5"e; attaches a manually operated breast pump on her right breast. Filling the container quite quickly. We zoom in. See the milk dripping onto the container. We see both of her nipples. Closeup of the milk dripping. Pumps it a bit. Closeup of the nipple. Switches to the left side. Dripping at a steady rate. A few drips still clinging to the right side. The container is now about 30% full. Her areolas are simply huge! The dripping form the left side continues at a quicker pace. Removes the one manual breast pump & we switch to another one with a manual blue hand squeezed bulb. Laughs. Side view of the device & you can see that the collection area of the device is filling quickly. You can see the milk squirting out. The nipple jumps in & out as the bulb is squeezed. She empties the device into a glass. Back to pumping & the milk continues to flow quite easily. As the milk comes out it sprays the inside of the collection container with a very visible stream. Silvana switches to her right side. Then back to the left side again. More manual pumping form her left side. Holds her left boob around the nipple area. Her nipples must be 5.5 to 6 inches in diameter. Leans back. Lifts her left nipple a little. Manual nipple squeeze on the right side. Pushes her boobs together. Still some drips fall ing off both boobs. Manual nipple squeeze. Nipple closeup. Drips sitting on her hands. You can see the strain of her pushing on her nipples in the bulging veins visible on the surface of her areolas. Squeezes the right side. More squeezing from each side. Then attaches her manual pump with the yellow squeeze bulb once more. Sitting on the bed with the pump attached to her left boob & a towel on her lap. Nipple closeup shows the nipple jumping in & out. We switch to the right side. Switches sides a few time. Lays on her back to show off those awesome areolas. We walk around her to see the boobs from various angles. Her hand on her right boob. Runs a finger around the lower portion of the nipple. She is wearing black fishnets that go to just under her boobs. Pushes her boobs together as we view them from above. East meets West with her nipples pushed tight together. Waves goodbye. Boob views with Silvana laying on her back.
73 Silvana: Show73 Silvana
* NOTE: Silvana is a bit past 8 months along in her pregnancy & the shortest model we have ever photographed at 4' 9.5"e;. You can see her (without the belly) in a previous session at JustNips.com This session had a few limitations & portions of the video were done with the camera on a tripod. So some scenes may be a bit off center or not up to our usual standards. But with her enormous areolas & DD boobs on her short frame, she is a one of a kind PG model not to be missed. Another of our South of the border models who speaks absolutely no English. We zoom in on her body painted belt & she introduces herself. Turns around. A nice butt shot. Waves hello. Points to her belly. At 8 months she looks bigger than most of our models at 9 months. Various poses to show all the belly curves. Truly a pregnant model who is "e;All Belly!"e; Butt view leaning forward. Takes off her bra & you see areolas as big as ANY we have ever seen. That's saying a lot considering we have done almost 700 sessions. Pushes her boobs together. Colliding boobs. Her hands covering her nipples do not cover all of her areolas. A low angle belly view. Belly & boob view. Nipple closeups. A nice smile.A boob & belly view from above. Compare her nipples now to what they looked like BEFORE getting pregnant & you will see that they have grown phenomenally. Now in a purple top holding her belly very low. Posing for some photos. Side belly view. Her butt towards us. Leans forward. Undoes her bottoms. Lifts up her top on the right side. Another nice nipple view. Another boob reveal. Pulls down the left side of her top. Then both sides at the same time. Nipples together in our East mets West pose. Side body view. DItches the top fully. Tosses it. Tosses the top again for our flying clothing still shot. Side view of her belly & boobs. Heel raises for some boob bouncing. A small side to side wiggle. Outfit change into a colorful skirt & multi-colored top. LIfts the top for a belly view. Butt towards us. More poses for our still camera. Lifts up her top to reveal a lovely bright yell bra. Tosses the top. More poses for stills. Silvana has experience as a model. Sitting on the ground with her hands behind her. Rolls on her side. Belly view on the side. Sitting up & she takes her bra off. Nice sitting views.Various views of her topless. Lays on her back & wiggles her boobs side to side & together. Pushes her boobs together & releases them. Almost like a boob massage. A view of her on her back with the belly in the foreground. Nipple pulling. Lays on her side with her boobs laying one on top the other. Taps her nipples. Pulls on her left nipple & lifts her left boob & then drops it. Continues pulling on her left nipple lifting her breast & then dropping it. Sits up again. Sitting on her butt with a nice side view. Gets up with her left hand on her left boob. Another low angle belly view. Displays a bit of a camel toe. Closeup of her left nipple. Lifts her right boob by the nipple & drops that boob. SOme more boob play, bouncing pushing. Walks off the set. Some bonus footage as Silvana steps into the shower to wash off the body paint. Once she is done she steps out of the shower & gives us another wave goodbye.
74 Skye: Show74 Skye
Perhaps one of our more expansive & most complete sessions to date. A total of 45 minutes of video on the full length session. Skye introduces herself & tells us she is 7 months pregnant. Takes her pink dress off. Now just in bra & panties. Rubs her belly. Bends forward to have her belly between her legs. Turns around & takes her arms through the bra straps Pulls both bra cups down. Undoes the bra. Tosses it. We zoom in on her massive dark nipples. Pushes her boobs together. Does the Bermuda Triangle pose. Stretches her nipple. Boob choke & wiggle. Boob choke & wiggle in slow motion. Man those are big areolas! Colliding boobs in slow motion. Boob juggling in slow motion. Boob juggling in regular speed. Side to side boob wiggles. Jumping Jacks. Jumping Jacks in slow motion. Side to side boob wiggling while bending over. Exclamation point jumps. Bends forward, then we look at her boobs & belly from above. Wiggles the boobs. Pulls down her panties & gets out of them. Nice hairy bush. Body scan from head to toe. Turns around so we can see her body & belly form every angle. A slow squat to the ground. Legs apart sitting on the ground. Squeezes her left nipple to get some milk out. We see her moist nip. Next she squeezes her right nipple. We zoom in on her hairy bush. Tastes some of her milk. Still sitting with a great belly & bush shot. Plays with her pussy a bit. Then on all fours with her belly hanging & boobs swinging. Mashes her boobs against the floor. A side view with her belly hanging in side view. Butt towards us with the belly hanging & boobs swinging & almost touching the ground. Gets into a pink a white striped one-piece swimsuit. Adjusts it. Pulls the top down & exposes her boobs & giant areola also. A bit of bouncing. Slow motion jumping. Jumping & wiggling combo. Same in slow motion. Gets out of the swimsuit and walks off the set. Laying on her back rubs her tummy. We look at her hairy snatch. Nipple pulls. Slow motion nipple pulls. Nipple flicking. Double nipple flicking. Legs up to her chest. Knees apart. Nice pussy views. Body scan from the pussy to her boobs. Belly view from a low angle. Spreads her outer pussy lips. Closeup of her very large clit. Wiggles her clit. Pussy play for a couple of minutes. Side view Skye with the belly hanging & her boobs wiggling side to side. Butt view, pussy view, & we look at the boobs swinging side to side from between her legs. Slow motion swinging boobs form between her legs. On her knees & elbows with her belly hanging in profile. Skye laying on her side. Boobs wiggled while on her side. Licks her left nipple. Puts a manual breast pump on her right nipple. Pulls her nipple up. A bit of milk comes out. Pulls on her nipples several more times. Slow motion nipple pull. We switch to a smaller nipple pulling device actuated by a manual vacuum pump. Side view with the nipple pulled way inside. Bounces her boob up & down with the plastic device attached. Gets into a satin deep blue pari of polka dot panties with a matching bra. Adjust her outfit. Bouncing with her bra still on. Bounces until her boobs pop out of her bra. Same in slow motion. Pulls her bra cups down to expose her nipples to us.Wiggles her right boob with her bra strap... Tosses her bra & hooks it on our boom microphone. END OF SESSION.
75 Sophia: Show75 Sophia
Sophia is a 25 year old Chinese pregnant model in her 7th month. Beautiful dark very puffy nipples. At this point with out various sites we have done more than 800 sessions & her puffy nipples would rate as #2, only to be outdone by Precious G on our JustNips.com site. Introduces herself. Turns around & we see her 7 month belly poking out of her dress, then she lifts her dress up & off. Tosses it at our camera. Another view offer belly now exposed. Rubs her belly.Pulls her arms through her bra straps, then turns the bra inside out & turns the bra cups inside out. We look closely at her amazing puffy nipples So beautiful. Holds the bra over her head. Wiggles it. Puts the bra over her right shoulder & wiggles the right boob with her strap. Same in slow motion. A few slow motion bra tosses. Pushes her boobs together. Some boob juggling. Her fingers encircling her nipples. Boob choke & wiggle. Same in slow motion. Colliding boobs in slow motion. The bermuda triangle pose. A scan from her crotch to her boobs. Hands over her boobs. Hands on her boobs. Jumping for a nice little bounce. Same in slow motion. Jumping with her hands over her head. Same in slow motion. The jump & wiggle combo. Same in slow motion. Jumping Jacks. Same in slow motion. Running in place. Same in slow motion. Leans forward for a side to side boob wiggle. Same in slow motion. Some nipple pulling. Slow motion nipple pulling. We look over her head for double nipple pulling. Same in slow motion. But our camera laser focused on her beautiful eyelashes. We pump up her nipples with out vacuum pump & cup. Wiggling & some slow motion. We switch to a smaller cup. Sophia comes back in a striped bikini. Side belly view. Turns around. Spanks herself. Wiggles her butt (slow motion). Butt wiggling without using her hands. SHows off her boobs by pulling the straps down on her bikini top. Leans forward for another side to side wiggle. Same in slow motion. Tosses the top. Rubs her belly. Pulls her bikini bottom forward for our first pussy view. Fully shaved. A very smooth pussy. Lets the bottoms fall tot eh ground. Feet apart, and a slow squat to the ground. Her pussy spreads nicely. Her butt hits the ground. We look at her pussy. We zoom in. We scan her body frothier pussy to her nips, then a nice smile on her face. Zoom back with Sophia sitting with her legs spread wide apart. Nipple flicking. Same in slow motion. Laying on her back with her legs spread, we zoom in on her pussy @ see some nicely shaped inner lips sticking out. We have her spread her legs & see a nice combination of her belly & pussy. Zoom in on her pussy. Pulls her pussy apart & we take a much much closer look at her pussy. Stunning inner lips on this very small pussy. Compare the size of her pussy to the size of her fingers as a basis of comparison. Flexes her pussy. Her widest pussy stretch yet. Gets on her hands & knees & gives us a view from behind. Nice belly hang & we see it from the side. Boobs hanging. Butt & pussy view from the rear. We zoom in on her belly hanging. A from behind pussy stretch. We zoom in on her pussy opening & finally see a hole for the opening. We zoom in on her very small lit. Sophia selects an average sized glass dildo from our collection It proves to be too big for her. She barely gets the tip in & simply can not insert it any further. We never intend to cause pain. We swap this dildo out for our smallest, & very slim yellow banana shaped dildo. PERFECT! Finally we get some nice slow in & out action. It's obvious that this is her first dildo experience. Somewhat timid with this device. A bending forward butt in the air view. Stands up & says her goodbyes! waves & walks off the set.
76 Tasty: Show76 Tasty
Tasty is a pretty black girl just 20 years old & at a bit past her 8th month in her pregnancy. She introduces herself. Then pulls up her T-shirt & shows off a lovely round belly. Rubs it a bit. Leans forward so we can see her belly hang between her legs. Off with the T-shirt & she has on a bright pink patterned bra. Tosses the T-shirt, then pulls her bra straps down first showing off her left boob along with her belly. Both bra cups down. Various poses with her bra. Boob wiggle with her bra strap. Then a slow motion bra toss. Boobs pushed tightly together. Boob juggling. Same in slow motion. Hands over her boobs/ Boob choke & wiggle. Slow motion boob wiggle after the choke. Does the Bermude Triangle pose, then the same with both arms. Another side view of her belly. Slow motion boob bouncing. Colliding boobs. Leans forward with a nice hanging belly view. Side to side boob wiggle. Same in slow motion. Jumping Jacks. Same in slow motion. Slow motion jumping with her hands above her head as her boobs do circles, with one going clock-wise the other anti- clockwise. Gets out of her jeans. Now just in her panties. Plays with her panties. Spanks her butt. A small tutu over her panties. Hands over her belly. Lifts up the tutu. Off with all her clothes. A nice frontal pussy view. Closeup of the pussy. A squat to the ground. We see a nice close view of her pussy lips. A scan to the boobs. An overhead view of her body, belly & boobs. Tasty laying on her back. A body scan from head to toe. A closeup of her nipple. Boobs pushed together as we view her body from above her head. The medium sized vacuum cup over her right boob. She wiggles the boob in slow motion & then pulls up & lets the boob fall away A body scan from various angles.Spreads her legs high into a large eve & we see her pussy. Laying on her side with one leg way up. A side laying view. Pulls her ass cheeks up. Gets on her knees & faces us with her belly hanging towards the floor. Wiggles her boobs side to side. A rear view of her belly hanging between her legs. Side view of her belly hanging. Rear view of her belly hanging. Sits up on her knees. Spreads her knees apart & we view her pussy between her feet. Puts on a maternity one piece suit. Holds her belly as we walk around her a bit. Side view. Shows off her boobs one by one. Wiggles her boobs within her top. Does a crotch pull aside. Crotch pull aside as Tasty leans forward. Pulls the swimsuit down to past her belly button. Squeezes tightly on her boobs & gets some milk out of her nipples. A couple of squirts in slow motion. A little more milk squirting combined with dribbling at the same time. Double boob squeeze with milk leaking out nicely. Slow motion boob squeezing. Gets out of her swimsuit. She has found one of our pink glass dildos & she is ready to play with it. Sitting up she starts to play with the outer lips of her pussy with the dildo. She is not very vocal so we have music instead of oohs and aaaahs. Some more penetration with the dildo which is almost immediately coated with a nice white female goo (cum). More dildo play for a couple more minutes & then we try out another maternity item. She lifts it up & exposes her butt. We see a portion of her inner pussy lips hanging in silhouette. Lifts the top up & we look form the bottom up She does a slow motion boob wiggle. Off with her top & she walks off the set. Gets into a long yellow tube top styled dress, which outlines not only her boobs, but her belly & nipples also. Pulls down the top to pop her boobs out. Jumps & turns in slow motion with some nice boob bounces. Tries some hula-hooping. Same in slow motion. Signs off & walks off the set with her boobs bouncing all the way.
78 VenusSky PG6: Show78 VenusSky PG6
Venus is one funky chick who is 6 months pregnant & 28 years old at this time. Fabulous dark nipples with very bumpy areolas of a very large size. She is very animated & we had a hard time directing her. She would come up with her own scenes right out of the blue Introduces herself. Shows her tummy profile in a side view with the dress still on. Lifts the bottom of the dress up for a better view. Then off with the driers. Bra view. Arms through her bra straps, then off with the bra & some posing with the bra. Wiggles her right boob with her bra strap. Same in slow motion. The bra over her head. Tosses the bra in slow motion several times. Our Bermuda TRiangle pose, Nipple stretching with a close nipple view. Single boon wiggle. Same in slow motion. Jumping up & down. Same in slow motion. Boob juggling. Same in slow motion. A lean forward side to side boob wiggle. Side to side boob wiggle in slow motion. Jumps with her arms over her head for a different kind of boob bounce. Same in slow motion. Jumping & turning at the same time. Same in slow motion. Jumping Jacks. Same in slow motion. Spanks herself several times. Butt wiggling in slow motion. A lean forward & we do a boob wiggle & watch her boobs do that dance from between her legs. Same in slow motion. Measures her nipples. Boob choke & wiggle. Same in slow motion. Gets into checker-board leggings Black high heels. Sits on our red drop stool. Pushes her boobs together with her upper arms. Nipple flicking. Same in slow motion. Lays on the ground. Plays with a nipple. Wiggles the boob using the nipple. On her hands & knees, wiggles her boobs side to side. We play with our vacuum nipple cups in regular & slow motion. Gets out of the hose & matching skirt. Lays herself on her back. Gets out of her G-string. We do a body scan. Kicks her legs about & does a nice big letter "e;V"e;. Still on her back with her legs up to her chest. Marvelous pussy views from a lot of angles. Spreads her legs again for wider pussy views. Pussy spreads. Pussy wiggle. She is wearing blue gloves. Nice inner pussy lips view with a great lit view. Clit wiggling. Same in slow motion. Stretches & releases her pussy lips. Same in slow motion. Squat to the ground. Same in slow motion. Laying on her side lifting her one leg for better pussy views. On all fours with great ass & pussy views. A butt view from above. Another zoom in on her pussy. Laying ion her side she lifts a butt cheek up to spread the pussy a bit. Wiggles her butt cheek with one hand. Lifts a leg up so we can see her face & boob . Ends with a boob & face view. Still on her side with her pussy almost in our face. Flat on her back with her legs spread. We do a body scan. Venus discovers our professional sized hula hoop & starts to do some pretty funky poses with it. The next proper she finds is an electric guitar. Some pretty funky poses with this also. Pretty well all unscripted, so we just let Venus take the lead & let our camera follow the action. Returns to the set with an outfit you would expect from a waitress at a German Beer Garden. She puts it on white heels. Various naughty poses, exposes her boobs, her pussy & more. Arms together. Plays with spreading her pussy lips as she sits on our red drop stool. Strips out of this outfit. Off with her white shoes. Next we get into a very see-through black outfit with fur trimmings. All kinds of poses with this outfit also. Tells us she had fun & the session comes to an end.
80 Yoa 2: Show80 Yoa 2
Yoa is back at 36 weeks (8.5 months) sporting a near perfect belly with a fabulous OUTIE belly button. Introduces herself & lifts up her grey top. We look at the belly from various angles. She makes a heart over the belly button. Another side view. Takes the top off & reveals a pure white bra. Slips the left bra cup down & we see her large yet perfect dark areolas. Pushes her boobs together. A little boob juggling. Same in slow motion. Standing side to side boob wiggle.Colliding boobs. Same in slow motion. Removes her bra. Stretches her bra from end to end. Her bra diagonally between her boobs. The bra over her head. Wiggles it from side to side. Swings the bra & then whirls it around in a circle a couple of times then tosses it in slow motion. Squeezes her boobs to get some first milk out. Wetness on both nipples.Tastes it Yummy! Pushes both nipples together. Slow motion boob bouncing. Side view of same. Leans forward with a nice hanging belly view. Close belly view. Side to side wiggle followed by slow motion of same. Leaning forward belly & boob view. Wiggles! Same in slow motion. Now fully naked. Side view of the belly & the pubic mound pussy curves. Hands on her lower belly. Her pussy has a little bit of stubble showing. Gets into our Budweiser two piece black & silver swimsuit. A nice fit with an interesting space between her top & bottom. Adjusts the suit. Side belly view. Butt view of the 2 piece Budweiser bikini outfit. Belly views from side to side. Pulls the top down & wiggles the boobs. Slow motion of same. Squeezes the boobs together using just her upper arms. Small belly rub. Removes the top & then the bottoms. Hands under her belly. A low angle view of her belly. Squats to the ground & we see her pussy spread a little. Her butt settles on the ground. Belly & pussy views with the belly line pushing against her pubic mound. Side belly view. A view of her belly & boobs from above. Nipple closeups. Lifts & bounces her right boob. Nipple squeezes for some more milk. Some milk drips down her breast. Gets into a horizontally striped multi-colored top. Belly & boob views. Pulls the top down one boob at a time. Leans forward & pulls the top down even further. Wiggles. The top halfway down her belly. Belly rubs. Side belly view. Hand on the upper part of her pussy. Zoom in to her pussy. Nipple zoom. Super low angle view of her pussy. A semi-squat view of her pussy. Then stands up again. Sits down, then lays herself down on her back. Side pussy view followed buy a body scan. We go head to toe. Yoa brings her legs up towards her chest. Legs apart. Zoom in on her pussy. CLoseup pussy view. Pulls her pussy lips apart. Stretches her outer lips which pulls on her inner lips. Holds that pose. Stretches & releases her pussy lips. Pulls up on her pussy, then spreads her pussy up to show her lit. Holds that pose. Very pink. Moves the lit a bit. Side lit view. Another pussy spread. Spreading & releasing the pussy. Side view on her hands & knees with a beautiful belly hang. We go between her legs & watch her boob swing side to side.An overhead view of her boobs with the nipples pushed together & squeezed. More nipple squeezing. Nipple pulling. Vacuum pumping her nipple with milk dripping out as the clear plastic cup is removed. Using our smallest nipple vacuum cup. Bounces her boob up & down in slow motion until it is released. We play with our manual breast pump. Pumps it up & down. Air bubbles within the breast pump. Yoa in her maternity nighty top. Another belly view. Side view. Hands on her belly.Slaps her butt cheeks in slow motion. Standing pussy lips spread. Pussy closeup. Wiggles the pussy up & down. In a white & red top & bottom with small red harts in a very even pattern all over the top & bottom. Jumps in slow motion. Running in place. Boob choke & wiggle. Gets out of the top & bottom. Says goodbye & walks off the set.
81 Yoa: Show81 Yoa
This 18 year old introduces herself & tells us she is 6 months pregnant. Off with the top & plays with a white & black bra. Flips it inside out. Pulls on the straps. Poses the bra over her breasts. Wiggles her right breast up & down with the bra strap. Same in slow motion. Nipple flicking. Same in slow motion. Tosses the bra. Pushes the boobs together & then juggles them. Same in slow motion. Jumping bounces for the boobs. Side view of same. Same in slow motion. Side to side boob wiggle, jump & wiggle combo. Same in slow motion. Leans forward with a s die to side wiggle. Same in slow motion. Bermuda triangle pose. Then same for both sides. Cradles her boobs nicely. Boob choke & wiggle. Same in slow motion. A nice heart formed with her hands on her belly. Another lean forward with the belly hanging. Side belly view. Puts on some medium blue satin gloves which are opera length & go past her elbows. Plays with her boobs again. Massages her belly. Lifts & drops her boobs one after another. Boob slues as she pushes them together. Colliding boobs. Same in slow motion. On her hands & knees with a side to side wiggle in a hanging pose. Same in slow motion. Still on her hands & knees A side view of her hanging boobs as she lifts her left shoulder up. We move around her body & get a nice top view of her ass. ANother profile view of the boobs. Small wiggle. Sitting with her legs in front of her. Legs apart & knees up. She wiggles her boobs side to side. Same in slow motion. A bit of a foot view. Lays on her back & begins to pull on her nipples. Pulls & releases. Wiggles the right boob by the nipple. Nipple closeup. Left nipple stretch. More pulling & stretching. Same in slow motion. Pulls on both nipples, stretches then releases in slow motion. Pulls them up, together & then releases them. Squeezes some FIRST MILK out of the nipples. We zoom in as a drop rolls over her areola & onto her gloved finger. Nipple vacuum on her right nipple & the milk is flowing under the plastic domed cup. Pulls on the cup & wiggles the nipple. Pulls until the nipple breaks loose. We go to a bigger cup. This sucks up the entire nipple & areola. Visibly there is much more being sucked into the vacuum. Nice side view, then a pull & release. Wiggles. Pulls & it pops off. Same in slow motion. Out of all her clothes & now only wearing her blue gloves. A side belly view & scan. We toss her an animal print two piece maternity suit. A very nice fit. She puts it on. Various poses as she turns around in it. Pulls the bottoms of the animal print bathing suit forward for a great pussy view. , followed by a crotch pull aside. Nice densely packed pussy lips. Now standing topless. Panties coming down & off they come. Pussy closeup. Squats to the ground with the pussy spreads somewhat. We zoom in. Now the inner pussy lips are more visibly parted. She pussy on her outer lips & lets go. Same in slow motion. On her back legs up to her chest with a great pussy view with legs tight together. View between her legs from the belly area. Really quite a puffy pussy. Legs tight together & flat on the floor. Another pussy spread, this time for a better lit view & some lovely pink as well. We zoom in. Pulls & releases the outer lips several times in slow motion. Inner lip pussy spread. Holds that pose. Releases the hold & grabs it again. Another inner lip spread of fabulous proportions. Same in slow motion. Pulls JUST on her left inner lip& then lets go. Pushes with her hands on the outer pussy lips to squeeze out the inner lips. Another wide spread fro a magnificent lit view & closeup. Tries flexing the lit. Finds a glass dildo that is to her liking Plays with it for a solid 4 minutes Says goodbye & walks off the set.
Comment: This is a partial siterip
of PregnantUSA.com, it includes scenes.
I only selected scenes with women I think
are quite pretty, as PregnantUSA also has
a lot of average/ugly looking girls. I have
another 18.5gb worth of scenes; those would
be girls I don't get off too, but if you want
I might upload them ... let me know.
Made it freeleech too, so don't worry about
ruining your ration on this. Please help keep
this alive by downloading all of it, and not
just cherry-picking your favourite girls.