Deepthroat Dedication 3 [PMV]
The text describes the third installment of a deepthroat-focused PMV (Pornographic Music Video) series. The video has a runtime of 12 minutes and 19 seconds, with a resolution of 1920x1080 and a file size of 667 MB in MP4 format. The first half of the video features a variety of scenes focused on deepthroating, including an introductory minute. The second half consists of cumshot scenes and a two-minute credits sequence. The content includes an equal mix of blowbangs and one-on-one scenes, featuring both facials and oral ejaculation. Some blowbang scenes conclude with the participants swallowing. Original audio is incorporated throughout the video, with the song "So Much Love" by Notaker playing during the main sequence and "Got This Feeling" by Cubicolor featured in the credits. Video resolutions vary, with most ranging from 1280x720 to 1920x1080, while three older scenes have lower resolutions (Ava at 320x240, Sarah at 656x480, and Soma at 640x480). A list of available PMVs, including titles like "Sissy Love" and "Japan Love," is also mentioned.