Fetidistrojp – Amazing Enema Game!
The video titled "Fetidistrojp – Amazing Enema Game" has a runtime of 117 minutes and 38 seconds, with a resolution of 640x480 and a frame rate of 30 fps.
The content begins with a group of girls engaging in a competition in an open field, starting with a group stretch. They then participate in a tug-of-war as a warm-up. Following this, the competition escalates as the participants remove their clothing entirely.
The main event involves two teams receiving enemas, where they attempt to fill their rectums with as much fluid as possible. Afterward, they squirt the fluid into a glass container in a series of messy challenges. The competition culminates in evaluating each team's container to determine the winner.
The losing team faces a punishment involving the use of vibrators, resulting in heightened sensations and reactions. Additionally, they endure further playful humiliation, including being doused with fluids from the opposing team. The punishment continues with explicit activities throughout the duration of the video.