KatherineScat/DirtyTeen18 – Compilation of 12 videos,scat videos
DirtyTeen18 – Compilation of 12 videos
Compilation of 12 videos.scat videos,more than 60 minutes,anal,scat on plate,scat feet,etc
Studio: KatherineScat
Year: 2023
Actors: KatherineScat/DirtyTeen18
Length: 79 minutes 45 seconds
Video: Video:RESOLUTION 1280x720 FRAME RATE 24 fps
Compilation of videos from the young and beautiful scat girl KatherineScat.
In the first clip she faces the camera with her beautiful pussy and pees a bit, later on she presses out a massive turd on the floor, she then takes out a dildo fucking her pussy with it already a bit dirty from her shit she puts it in her ass to get some more on the dildo before putting it her pussy again.
Second clip is her holding a big turd that is a present for “daddy” she keeps saying to smell the turd, talking about how good it smells.
Third clip is of her fingering her dirty asshole, as she fingers herself you can see how it gets dirtier and dirtier, it later pans back to a turd present that she is gifting to “daddy” she plays with it in her hands whilst talking to “daddy”.
I&ll let you experience the rest of the clips in the compilation yourself.