[Rebecca] Housewives at Play 20
An issue of "Housewives at Play," specifically issue 20, was located within the Kursus megapack collection. The relevant torrent for this collection is titled "Rebecca - Housewives at Play - Megapack." Additionally, several other related uploads by Kursus include:
-"Rebecca - Housewives at Play - update pack December 2012"-"Housewives at Play: Kidnapped"-"Housewives at Play: Wide Open Spaces"-"Hippie Chixx"-"Teens at Play: NSFW"-"Teens at Play: Forever Young "The synopsis describes a sensual suburban universe where wives engage in playful and naughty activities, intertwining themes of goodness and badness, with sensuality viewed as a reward. A potential scenario involving a husband walking in adds to the intrigue. For reading these materials, various applications are recommended, which can be found via Google, including:
CDisplayEx (Windows)
Sequential 2 (Mac OS)
Comix (Linux)
ComicGlass (iOS devices for advanced users)
Comic Viewer (iPad-only)
Droid Comic Viewer (Android devices)Remaining materials available include:
-"Teens at Play 4" (January 5, 2011)-"Hot Moms" issues 15 (June 6, 2012), 16 (July 25, 2012), and 17 (February 27, 2013)-"Hot Moms TPB Vol. 01" (June 24, 2012) and Vol. 2 (February 22, 2012)-"Housewives At Play: Wedding Album" (September 26, 2012)-"Housewives at Play: Hanky Spanky" (November 28, 2012)-"Teens At Play GN: End Of Innocence" (June 26, 2013)It is noted that the individual sharing this information is not the original scanner.