[Brazzers] Power Bangers: A XXX Parody (H.265) with Metadata and Art (2017) - (All 5 parts stitched together) - 1080p
Power Bangers: A XXX Parody follows the journey of five ordinary college students whose lives are transformed when evil threatens Earth.
Introduction: The students are initially unaware of the impending danger while attending a house party. One student, a nerdy girl, hopes to catch the attention of a popular jock, leading to an intimate encounter..
Discovery of Powers: The group discovers they possess special powers and accepts their mission to combat the evil threatening their world. One member, however, is more focused on seducing a robotic humanoid..
Evil Threat: An evil space witch attempts to seduce one of the Power Bangers to join her in her quest for world domination..
Confrontation and Temptation: The Yellow Banger enjoys fighting enemies as much as engaging in intimate encounters, balancing her mission with her desires..
Climactic Battle: The Power Bangers unite their strengths to defeat the evil space witch, ultimately saving the world. Their victory leads to a celebration marked by an extravagant party. The film is comprised of explicit adult content, featuring various adult themes and scenarios.