[XXXtremecomiXXX] Bizarro's Hunt for Supergirl
Bizarro Superman appears disoriented as he searches for missile codes in a mayor's apartment. Supergirl confronts him, but he seems unaware of the situation and mistakenly suggests that Lex may have informed him. As she attempts to call Superman for assistance, Bizarro misunderstands and begins to physically overpower her. Initially, Supergirl does not grasp the confusion in Bizarro's speech and tries to engage him to find the missile codes. However, during the struggle, Bizarro inadvertently injures himself with his laser vision. Supergirl capitalizes on this distraction, managing to grapple him down and use a fake phone call to her advantage. The confrontation escalates, leading to explicit sexual interactions between the two characters. Eventually, Bizarro discovers the missile codes and expresses a misguided sense of teamwork, patting Supergirl on the head.
The text contains explicit content and various fetish elements involving superhero characters.