LEGO Disney Frozen Northern Lights S01 NORDiC ENG 720p WEB-DL H 264 AAC2 0-TWASERiES
Episode Title: DuckTales
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi
(8528 Votes)
Your Rating
Stars: Danny Pudi,Ben Schwartz,David Tennant,Bobby Moynihan,Kate Micucci,Beck Bennett,Eric Bauza,Toks Olagundoye
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NAME.........: LEGO Disney Frozen: Northern Lights (Shorts) -> Season 01
RATiNG.......: 5.8/10
GENRE........: Animation, Adventure, Comedy
FORMAT.......: Matroska
LANGUAGE.....: Danish / English / Norwegian / Finnish / Swedish
SUBTiTLES....: English
ViDEO iNFO...: AVC -> 4234 kb/s - 1280x720 - 23.976 FPS
AUDiO iNFO...: ENGLiSH: E-AC-3 -> 256 kb/s - 5.1 channels - 48.0 kHz
AUDiO iNFO...: NORDiC: AAC -> 125 kb/s - 2.0 channels - 48.0 kHz
DURATiON.....: 4 x 8 min
SiZE.........: 824.30 MB
SOURCE.......: WEB-DL -> Disney+
UPLOADER.....: FireCloud
ONLY ON! ShareUniversity -
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The annual appearance of the Northern Lights over Arendelle always means good luck for
the kingdom, as well as happy childhood memories for Anna and Elsa. This year, the
sisters race excitedly to Lookout Point with Kristoff, Sven and Olaf only to discover
the lights have mysteriously gone missing. They journey far to the north in search of
the lights only to encounter sudden storms, frozen fjords and icy trails. Only
together can they restore the Northern Lights and set everything right in Arendelle
once more.
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