Psychedelica (2018) Season 1-2 720p GAIA x264
For centuries and across cultures, sacred ceremonies using ayahuasca, peyote, mushrooms, and cannabis were integral to collective well-being. These long-revered healing instruments that nourished individuals and united ancient communities have been largely forgotten by today's society. Why? What might we be missing?Psychedelica takes a holistic look at the emerging science, long-standing beliefs, and psychological healing potential of these plants to ask, "e;Who holds the keys to consciousness?"e;
In this ground-breaking original series, experts explore the history and use of psychedelic plants including political ambitions, the perceived shadow side and the proper environment to experience these substances.
Season 1 - From the origins of Shamanism to the spiritual expression of modern awakenings, discover the role of sacred medicine as a gateway to expanded consciousness, and its continued influence on humanity.
Season 2 - We go deeper into plant medicines and beyond.