MsLunaBaby Tinder date adopt abused young sisters ageplay
Thanks to the anonymous contributor who shared this video with me.
This is a story of young girl and her sister who are being raped and abused by their father and his friends. The girl's older sister, who is 14 years old, has been playing out her rape fantasy on Tinder. She likes it because the Tinder date is gentle and loving with her and he has a smaller cock than her father and his friends. She wants to do the same as her older sister.
She convinces the older man who she matched with on Tinder to adopt her and take care of her in return he could have her any time she pleased.
Transcript: Show
I'm so glad you came and picked me up.
Oh, my sister, she sent me your Tinder profile and said that I guess you were one of the
best matches she's ever had on there.
Well, I do know that she did tell you her real age with her being 14 and that you were
okay playing out her rape fantasy, but she said that it was a lot different than what
her and I have to deal with at home.
Well, I don't know how much detail she went into with you, but my dad and his friends, they
like to, I guess, use our little bodies whenever they want to.
And sometimes they can be really, really, really mean about it.
Well, ever since my sister and I were super young, I mean, I know we're young now, me
being 12 and her being 14, but my dad says that we're getting, I guess, too old to be
raped and used how he wants us to be.
Especially my sister.
I think that's why she started going on Tinder trying to find older guys that would be, I guess open fucking younger girls.
It's just, my dad being so upset that my sister's getting older, I feel like he's taking it
out on me more.
And honestly, that's why I tried wearing all this stuff, like with the heels and the nylons
and the extra makeup and everything.
I was worried that maybe I would be too young for you or other guys.
But you did match all my profile, like right away.
I did notice that with you, that you were pretty quick with it.
Do I look like my sister?
I do sort of, but I mean, like I was saying, my dad, I feel like he's just getting angry
that she's getting older and he's yelling at her saying that she's getting used up and
he's tired of raping the same little holes over and over again and I feel like him being
so mad, he's taking it out on me more when he rapes me.
I mean it was bad before how he did it, but now I just feel like it's ten times worse
because he knows that I'm getting a little bit older too.
I don't know why my dad thinks 12 and 13 are too old.
I mean, I guess maybe he just wants the tighter, smaller holes, but I would say that our pussies are pretty tight.
I know my sister's a little bit more open about talking about it, and I'm open about it too, I am.
But, I don't know, just when she came home and told me how you'd played out her rape fantasy,
but it wasn't like when our dad rapes us, it was more loving and taking care of than you just raping and using us.
And I thought that maybe we could have a similar agreement, but maybe a little extra?
Well, like I said, when my dad rapes my sister and I, it's just getting too hard.
His cock is too big. It stretches us out to the point where it feels like my little body is going to rip open almost.
And he's starting to rape our little, like, you know, the back area a little bit more than usual, and I just, I can't stand it anymore, I can't.
And again, he's taking it out on me more than my sister. Now that she's getting older and going out more and I'm home all the time,
I guess he just is taking his aggression out on raping my little young body.
So, with the agreement that I thought, because my sister did tell me that your cock is, like, perfectly sized for our little pussies.
She said it's only like five inches, but it feels so good instead of hurting like our dad's cock does.
My dad's cock is huge. It's massive. So when he rapes us every day, every morning and night, when he wakes up and before he goes to sleep,
it's just, it's too rough. And she said that your cock just fit perfectly inside of her.
And, I don't know, I just thought that maybe I could try that out?
I mean, us being trained to take older cock, that doesn't bother me that you're older. And it obviously didn't bother my sister either.
She loved it. She said she can't wait until you fuck her again.
You play out that rape fantasy with an older man using her, but it feels so good when you do it.
And my dad, he said that he's gonna try to find, like, other little girls to use because my sister and I, again, are just, I guess, getting too old for him.
So, with my dad not really caring, would you want to maybe adopt me?
And I can live with you and I can help you clean around the house and, you know, do stuff.
But I was thinking maybe more, I can be that little underage toy that you can use whenever you want.
You can play out the rape fantasy that you did with my sister on me.
I mean, I know that divorced men really like using little girls.
That's why all my dad's friends would always come over all the time.
They're getting too rough. And their cocks are too big.
I just can't handle it anymore.
Ugh. They just, they wear us out too much.
That's why it feels so nice just to lay here for a second and take a break.
Because my dad and his friends even raped me this morning.
Right when I woke up, he told me to get my cute little clothes on and to be ready for all his sick friends to come over so they could rape me and use all my holes.
I mean, I can still feel their cum dripping out of my little pussy.
But I think if you adopt me and I live here with you, that it would be a lot better.
And again, I'm just as fun as my sister is.
I can wear all the cute little clothes that you want me to wear.
The sexy little heels I could show off.
I know you would love it. You could have me every morning and every night.
And if you stay home from work, you can fuck me over and over again.
Fuck my little underage pussy.
And you could see why my dad likes to rape us so much.
And I know that you're not worried that I'm only 12.
It's only two years younger than my sister.
Do you remember how good her pussy felt?
Now imagine that with me. With me being younger than her.
It would feel so much better.
I mean, I'm so little, these heels barely fit me.
When my dad said that he wanted cute clothes for me to wear while he raped me, he said that these shoes would be the best.
Because then when he rapes me from behind, he can hold onto the heels.
Like that.
Really fuck me as hard as he wants to.
But with your cock only being five inches long, that feels so much better than my dad's huge cock.
I could even help you clean around the house.
You can get me cute little maid outfits I can wear.
I could help you cook dinner.
You could take care of me.
A lot better than my sick perverted dad.
He's just too rough with it.
But my sister and I understand that the only way we can get off is if we have an older man rape us.
It would be so much better with your cock.
It's not as big.
She said it fit perfectly inside her pussy.
I know it would fit inside of mine perfectly too.
And I know that you would love to have a 12 year old around all the time.
To use how you want to.
And I know that you would be so loving with it.
You would really take care of me.
My dad, it's just he rapes me until everything feels like it's bleeding and I can't move for a couple minutes.
It's just too much.
And I just, I can't handle it anymore. I really can't.
I know that you would like to have me around.
I would wear whatever you want me to and do whatever you want me to do.
Because with what my dad did to my sister and I, the only thing that really makes me happy or turns me on or makes me cum anymore is having an older man use me.
I know that your cock would feel so good inside of my tight little 12 year old pussy.
Especially wearing everything that you like.
My sister did tell me what you like.
And I really hope you like my little outfit.
Having it on my 12 underage tight body.
My tight little ass that my dad likes to rip open every single morning.
He says that getting anal in the morning makes him better at work.
But it's just too big.
It's too big for my tight little butt hole.
I can't handle it. I can't stand it anymore with him.
And I know he won't really miss me if I leave anyways.
He would just find another underage girl to rape, take advantage of and use.
But just everything that my sister said I had to make a Tinder account and match with you.
I knew that you were going to accept it.
I knew you were going to take one look at my photos and want me.
I think you knew I was underage.
And me looking so similar to my sister you probably knew we were related but you wanted to double check huh?
Are you getting hard with everything that I'm telling you right now?
How my dad rapes my 12 year old tight little body?
Forces me to wear all these sexy little clothes that no 12 year old should ever wear.
He says he wants to make me look like a little slut.
Make me feel like a slut when he stretches me out with his huge hard cock.
It doesn't get easier either.
Every single time he rapes me it's worse and worse and worse.
And now just with how many friends he brings over I just can't.
But if you adopt me I know you would take care of me.
You would make me feel good.
And I wouldn't be jealous either if you still fucked my sister.
I like sharing with her.
I like knowing that it makes her happy with your perfect cock fucking her.
But I know I would be the special one getting to live with you.
Waking up with you every morning.
And if anyone came over and asked about our living situation or anything with you adopting me I would tell them that I have my own room and that you're nice to me and you don't touch me.
I wouldn't tell them anything.
I mean I don't tell anyone about my dad really.
I tell you because I know it turns you on.
I can see how hard your cock is getting.
Even though it's not that big I can still see it.
With how many times I've been used my whole life it's like I have a radar for it.
I can tell.
I know you would want to use me.
If you adopt me then you can have me every single day.
And it would be so much easier to hide.
Don't you think it would be weird a 12 year old girl coming over to your house all the time?
Just some random 12 year old girl?
That wouldn't make any sense.
You and I both know it would be smarter if you just adopted me.
Because then I can have your perfect 5 inch cock inside of me all the time.
Because again that's all that makes me happy anymore.
You could still drive me to school.
Buy me backpacks and clothes.
Give me lunch money.
I think it would be cute if I woke up for school.
Rode your hard cock.
Telling you how I love it that you raped my tiny little 12 year old body.
Then you give me lunch money and drop me off.
I could say that I love you and give you a kiss before I get out of the car.
And no one would think anything of it.
I wouldn't tell anybody.
I never told my friends about my dad.
So why would I tell them about you?
Of course I wouldn't tell them.
And I know you want me.
I know what it looks like when an older man wants to fuck me.
I think at this point with how many times I've been raped and used by all my dad's friends.
I know.
And I really do.
I'm a little more shy about it than my sister.
Me being younger than her, only being 12.
I don't know.
I can tell when a man wants me but I still get shy about it a little bit.
I know my sister can be a little bit more blunt about it.
But I still want it just as much as she does.
And that's also again why when she told me about you I instantly knew that I needed you to adopt me and take care of me.
Your cock would feel so good inside of me.
Like I'm getting shy now thinking about it.
But I know it would be so good living with you and not being raped until my ass and pussy are pretty much bleeding.
It makes it so uncomfortable at school.
Like it really makes it hard.
It makes it hard to focus in class with how much my ass and pussy hurt.
And then my dad, he thinks it's funny to like where he rapes me and my pussy or ass.
And then he has his friend throat rape me.
And that's why my throat hurts all the time.
It's just, it's too much.
It's hard to sleep because I never know when they're going to wake me up and tell me that I'm going to be raped and used.
And I better just take it like the good little slut that I am.
And I do think the clothes are cute that my dad buys me but then they're always just tied to those feelings.
Being raped and used too hard.
I feel like if you're going to fuck a 12 year old you should have a cock for it.
And I know that you do.
You have the perfect cock size to fuck me.
It would feel so good instead of hurting.
But just the thought of an older man fucking my tight little 12 year old pussy.
Ah, it makes me so turned on.
Like I said, that's the only thing that gets me off anymore.
Knowing that some sick pervert's using me.
But like my dad said, there's nothing sweeter than fucking an underage girl.
That's why he can't fuck older women.
And I feel like that's why you don't fuck older women.
I saw on your Tinder that you've been single for a long time.
But I don't understand why.
Unless you're just trying to get something special.
And then after my sister explained it to me then it really made sense.
Honestly did.
You wanting to fuck and feel underage pussy.
I know how much you enjoyed my sister's pussy.
And that just tells me you're going to love mine even more.
Even though I dressed up like this just to seem older.
You know that my pussy's still going to feel so perfect.
But you're not going to ruin it like my dad does.
Your five inch cock is going to feel so perfect inside of me.
And again if you adopt me, you can have me whenever you want.
You can even home school me.
You can be my teacher.
Wouldn&t you want to do that?
Be my teacher at home.
Take care of me.
Take me away from my mom.
I'm going to have my terrible life at home.
Get to fuck my twelve year old pussy whenever you want to.
I think you would love to do that.
I think you would love to use my little body whenever you want to.
Like right now I think you would love to huh?
After me convincing you to adopt me.
I think it would be the perfect way.
To really set it in stone that you're going to be taking care of me.
Just remember how perfect my sister's pussy was.
Mine's going to feel so much better than hers.
With me being younger and tighter than she is.
I just want to feel your perfect cock already.
My sister was right.
It does feel so perfect inside of me.
I know my boobies aren't the biggest but they can't be too big for a twelve year old huh?
It feels so good.
It's not stretching me out too much.
You cock feels so good.
Are you sure you want to adopt me?
It's going to be so perfect.
You already came.
That's okay.
It's okay that you already came.
It just shows me how good I feel.
It honestly turns me on so much knowing that I can make you come so fast.
Well I'm going to go home and I'm going to pack up just a little bit of my things.
There's not much that I have to take here anyways.
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