Ogres-World - Vivienne Velvet Bondage Predicament [720p]
The video titled "Ogres-World Vivienne Velvet Bondage Predicament" has a runtime of 16:32. In this video, the performer expresses a desire to act like a doll, incorporating pulleys and ropes into the scene. The performer’s mouth is filled with leftover fabric and then sealed with vetwrap and electrical tape.
She is positioned upright in the center of a bed, secured with a harness around her chest. Ropes are used to bind her wrists and ankles, pulling them together. A vibrating toy is attached for added stimulation. Throughout the scene, she squirms and manages to loosen the ropes, reaching for the toy and other bindings. However, the restraints are tightened again, leaving her completely spread and balanced precariously. The performer emits sounds of distress through the gag for an extended period.
The video includes various screenshots and promotional material for other content.